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Adabel Guerrero: “Cris Miró opened the door to inclusion but with love, not with war; Mina Serrano is incredible”

Written in SHOWS he 6/13/2024 · 7:42 p.m.

Adabel Guerrero is one of the protagonists of “Cris Miró, SHE”, the series that tells the moving story of the trans star who paved the way towards inclusion, back in the 90s. The fiction premieres on TNT and Flow days, and before the presentation to the media we spoke with the actress and her memory to Chris.

“I have a lot of expectations because I know that there are many people who are waiting to see it. I am waiting to see it,” you said to SOON about fiction about the life of Cris Miro.

Adabel Guerrero at the premiere of the Cris Miró series, Ella. RS PHOTOS

“It seems incredible to tell this story. Cris was, is and will be an icon. He broke a paradigm. He represents what glamor and charisma are.”expressed about the beloved and remembered actress.

Adabel recalled that Miró “She was deployed higher up on stage, that’s why she earned the affection and the place she earned. You have to be at that time as the first star at the Maipo (theater), displacing a great star at that time.”

Cris Miró and Mina Serrano.

When it came to remembering the nineties, the actress and vedette said: “I don’t remember much about those years because I was like on another planet, I danced classical in the city of La Plata. Nothing to do with Buenos Aires, nothing to do with magazine theater. Then I started with that and I know Cris Miró there but he was no longer there. “I couldn’t meet her personally.”

“I would have loved to meet her but I can assure you that in this series I felt like I knew her. I swear I got goosebumps thousands of times,” she revealed about her feelings with the series in which she stars in a role that will be seen soon.

And regarding what it meant to film the fiction, Adabel highlighted: “It was putting myself in the time machine and being in that time with Cris Miró because Mina (Serrano) is an incredible thing, the resemblance she has. Her energy, her everything… It was all very magical.”

Mina Serrano, the protagonist of the Cris Miró series, Ella. RS Photos

“Cris opened the door to inclusion but with love, not with war. With love he earned it with a lot of effort. It wasn’t easy for him. He earned it because of the magic he displayed on stage”defined Adabel Guerrero with emotion for this series that is going to captivate.


The Cris Miró series is based on the book “Female, Cris Miró – Living and Dying in a Country of Machos”, by Carlos Sanzol. This biopic will seek to vindicate the story of the artist, who died in 1999, at just 33 years of age.

Cris Miró’s series stars Serrano Mine, whose resemblance is striking. It was directed by Martín Vatenberg and Javier Van de Couter. In addition, prominent figures such as Katja Alemann, César Bordón, Agustín “Soy Rada” Aristarán, Vico DAlessandro, Marcos Montes, Toto Rovito, Manu Fanego, Campi and Adabel Guerrero appear in the cast.

The series has 8 chapters and can be seen on the screen of the cable channel TNT on June 23 (one chapter per week) and the streaming platform, Flow on June 24 (complete).

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