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Lola Bezerra’s spicy reaction with Manu Urcera after whitewashing their intimate relationship

The model spoke exclusively with Entertainment Partners about the repercussions generated by the whitewashing of her romance with the pilot a few days after the birth of his first child with her colleague.

June 13, 2024, 3:18 p.m.

Lola Bezerra’s furious reaction against Manu Urcera

Lola Bezerra whitened in Show Partners the decisive measure that he took with Manu Urcera after learning of his and Nicole Neumann’s anger for having recognized a past relationship with the pilot.

READ MORE: Unknown details of when Manu Urcera and Lola Bezerra were lovers are leaked: “I took her on a private plane”

The model clarified that “I have “I have good vibes with everyone, I don’t have any problems with them, but a whole mess was made over this note.”

“We were so young, this was over 10 years ago. I got married, I had my children“I’m fine with my husband,” said Lola.

Bezerra explained that “they asked me how I had beenor my relationship with him and I told it, but he got angry.”


“I was in Neuquén and we met at a traffic light, from car to car. from a taxi to his private car. “We met like that and we fell in love”the model repeated about her bond with the pilot.

Lola Bezerra’s furious reaction to the anger of Manu Urcera and Nicole Neumann / Instagram Photo

Lola regretted that “just that day of the note with Juan Echegoyen I was really hot because my friend told me that Nicole called her to ask for my number because Manu wanted to talk to me because he got angry with the note for saying that he sent me to the gym”.

“I want to clarify that I never said that he is violent, I never spoke badly about him. Only I said the truth is my story. I said that at the time he told me to go to the gym, but because he is an elite athlete, who takes care of his diet and his body, so he told me to start the gym.”Bezerra repeated.

The model went deeper: “I was 24 years old and I had a great back without even going to the gym. It was a joke that perhaps isn’t made today, but ten years ago perhaps we all did it.”

“Then I got angry because I said ‘stop, why do I have to give explanations… What am I talking about, about the Dalai Lama and Mother Teresa of Calcutta…’ I can give my opinion about whoever I want and apart from that it is a story that I lived. I went out with him, I know him and because I am going to deny something that has nothing wrong,” Lola highlighted.

Bezerra took stock of the romance with Urcera: “It was nice. My psychologist recommended this relationship to me because I came from a toxic relationship with a boyfriend and he told me that one nail pulls another nail.. And well, this was my nail that pulled out another nail and served me well at the time. “I never wanted him as a boyfriend, it was a boy’s relationship.”

“I saw Nicole in a situation and she greeted me half-heartedly but I don’t understand why. We all have a past. I didn’t get angry and on top of that I left before her. “That’s life, we didn’t know each other,” the model highlighted about the uncomfortable meeting with Neumann.

Lola complained because “it makes me angry and it hurts me that in a note They pretended that he was my lover. He was not my lover at all, neither now nor before. We were young, both single…

“I told him to call me, one day I sent him a message, but then I said ‘why do I have to explain to someone if I’m free to talk.’ so I put block”, Bezerra clarified his reaction to Manu’s fury.

The model closed by ensuring that “The explanations are only for my husband and my family. Nobody else”.

Unknown details of Manu Urcera and Lola Bezerra as lovers are leaked / Video Partners of the show

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