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Know it and the doubts about your gender identity: “Now that I am 30 years old, I am rethinking many things”

Sofia Camarábetter known as know ithas become a revelation in the reality show Win or Serve, where in addition to making people laugh, he has also experienced deep conversations with his colleagues.

One of them occurred a few days ago with Botota Fox, to whom he confessed the doubts he feels about his identity, this after a comment from Oriana Marzoliensuring that he feels that the drag queen has a more feminine than masculine essence.

“This is the first time this has happened to me. “I feel that if I take such a big step I have to talk to my family,” said the comedian, whose real name is Pablo Carayani.

“It is strange to have feminine essence (being) from Pablo, because I feel uncomfortable, they don’t know how to treat me. “I am very confused, I have dedicated so much time to my work that I have left myself in the background, that makes me sad,” he confessed.

“It is the only issue in my life that I have not resolved, my identity, and it makes me sad (…) I feel happy and free when I am from Sofia, not from Pablo,” she said through tears.

“Now that I’m 30 years old, I’m rethinking a lot of things.”

In conversation with La Cuarta, Sabélo delved into his feelings and how he has lived this double identity for so many years.

“It’s not that like Pablo I don’t feel happy, because if I wasn’t satisfied with my condition, I would have made a decision a long time ago, perhaps in adolescence to have agreed to hormonal treatment and thus have a modification and a change of identity” , he explained.

“But the truth is that as I was born into an ideal family, with incredible support, with a supreme education, I never had the need to make a change because for me, within the limitations that I had to develop socially with a condition different from the common one, I have always felt protected as a person, so I did not feel it necessary,” she said.

“However, now reaching the age of 30, I rethink many things about how I could continue. Because by spending so much time living as a woman you discover a new way of life and in this case I would be removing the artistic discipline of transformism.”he added.

In fact, he acknowledged that the transition is something that he has considered, “I haven’t talked about it with my family yet, but I think they already sense it, especially seeing the episodes on the air. And I think it’s going to be a process, especially if it happens naturally… and I have no idea what might come of this.”.

He is also not afraid of what they will say: “I find that people, those who know me, accept me and love me as I am and without expecting absolutely any modification from me, will support me. Until now, for 30 years, I have been able to live as Pablo and have developed my alter ego Sofía, and we will see later if this change becomes necessary or not. The truth is that I am a very genuine person with myself and, if it arises, obviously I will know what to do when the time comes.

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