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Jennifer Lawrence, Henry Cavill and other actors who lost jobs for being too beautiful

Can you imagine that the gift of being pretty or the super power of being handsome would close the doors to you? These famous people lived it and this was their experience.

It is known that acting is a career with complicated demands and demands where until very recently there was an erroneous belief that roles in films and series They are reserved only for physically attractive people.

However, There are cases in which beauty can work against actors and actresses, preventing them from obtaining certain roles.. That’s why today we bring you the cases of some celebrities who were considered too beautiful to star in a role. Who do you think they are?

Hugh grant

For some people, Hugh Grant is one of the most attractive faces in cinema, and precisely this situation disadvantaged the actor on many occasions and that is why, for Four Weddings and a Funerallost the role of Richard Curtis.

James McAvoy


Another actor of this type was James McAvoy, who despite being considered very attractive in Hollywood, his height was not enough when it came to getting a project: “As I am a short man (1.70 m), sometimes I have been told that I am too low for a role,” the actor confessed to The Telegraph.“.

Henry Cavill


Herny Cavill also has problems and one of them is that he didn’t get to be James Bond in the movie Royal Casino for his physiognomy, since his muscles did not fit the physical features of the character.

Keira Knightley


The protagonist of Pride and prejudice She was close to losing the role of Elizabeth Bennet due to her beauty, and according to the actress, at first director Joe Wright considered her too pretty for the lead: “Then she met me and said, ‘Oh, no, you’re fine. !’” Knightley said.

Andrew Garfield


The protagonist of one of the installments of Spider-Man wanted to be part of the cast of The Chronicles of Narnia, where he fought for the role of Prince Caspian, which was awarded to Ben Barnes.

Mila Kunis


The singular beauty of Mila Kunis was not accepted in some film roles or for the French brand Dior. The latter fired her for not having an acceptable image within the specifications that the company had and thus things remained up to her wishes.

Jennifer Lawrence


Katniss Everdeen’s character in The Hunger Games It is emblematic and part of these characteristics were generated by Jennifer Lawrence’s face. Although this character brought the actress international fame, she was on the verge of losing the role. “They turned me down, and then they moved the casting to New York,” Jennifer said. “I took the red-eye flight to audition the next day, so that always helps. Flying on a plane. No shower. No makeup. In the end, they were like, ‘Oh, he’s right. She’s not pretty,'” she joked.

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