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Lucía Galán, from Pimpinela, shares her latest medical report after the operation she underwent

New information

The artist has received the support of her brother, the other member of Pimpinela

The operation went well, although Lucía Galán continues to recover in the hospital

  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Journalist, writer and lover of social chronicles and television expert. For years I have followed the careers of our celebrities and at LOOK we know all their secrets

    • 06/13/2024 17:15
    • Updated: 06/13/2024 17:15

A few hours ago, Lucía Galán, known for being the vocalist of the famous duo Pimpinela, published a video on his Instagram account that set off alarm bells. According to what she said, she had to undergo surgery because her medical team had detected that a part of her pancreas was affected by a premalignant cyst. After the commotion that has been generated, the singer has shared her latest medical report to reassure the public.

To understand what has happened you have to start from the beginning. Lucía revealed that she had a health problem. Specifically, she wrote on her networks: «Dear friends, We want to tell you that today Lucía is undergoing surgery in Buenos Aires. It is an operation based on the almost miraculous discovery of a premalignant tumor, which was circumstantially detected in his pancreas when other studies were carried out. To give you peace of mind we will keep you informed and we thank you for your company and the love of always».

The artist and her team have kept their promise and have not been slow to update the situation. As published in Lucía Galán’s official account, the intervention went well and the interpreter is out of danger. Without a doubt, information that has been celebrated by her admirers and by her brother Joaquín, the other member of Pimpinela.

The artist has contacted his family member and he told her: «Everything will be fine, we are praying for our beautiful Lucia. Get well soon, Lu. I love you».

The latest medical report from Lucía Galán

Joaquín’s wish has been fulfilled. Lucía’s communications team has returned to the networks to announce that everything has gone as planned and that there have been no complications during the operation. However, she must remain in the hospital until the specialists complete their work.

«Dear friends, we want to tell you that Lucía is recovering from her surgery. Doctors reported that the operation was carried out as planned.. Due to protocol and prevention, she will continue to be hospitalized in intensive care for between 24 and 48 hours,” the statement begins.

And he concludes: «We want to thank you all for your company and good wishes. We also thank the media for their interest and respect.

What is Lucía’s health problem?

The singer has been detected with a pancreatic cyst, or what is the same: a bag of fluid that settles in the pancreas and can be dangerous because in many cases it does not produce symptoms. That is why Lucía has defined her discovery as “miraculous”. When there is infection and this anomaly becomes uncontrolled, the patient can experience nausea, abdominal pain or vomiting, which leads to significant weight loss.

Lucía Galán and her brother Joaquín. (Photo: Gtres)

To solve it, there are two options: it can be drained or removed through surgery, which is what happened to the protagonist of Pimpinela.

Pimpernel’s plans

It is still unknown how long Lucía Galán’s recovery will last, but the famous duo is planning a tour of Spain to celebrate their 40 years In the music’s world. At the moment they have not announced a change of plans, so the agenda remains the same. The plan is to continue with the concerts and recover The normality.

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