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The international press dares to compare Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía with these royals

Next June 19, Kings Felipe VI (56 years old) and Letizia (51 years old) They will celebrate their tenth anniversary as monarchs. A decade in which they have demonstrated their intention to renew and modernize the institution they represent, getting closer to citizens and being as transparent as possible(with some exceptions). Although most of the media attention has focused on her career, her daughters have also captured the attention of both the national and international media, as well as the population.

In fact, as they have grown up, Princess Leonor (18 years old) and Infanta Sofía (17 years old) They have been making more public appearances and they have begun to have their own agenda of events. The closest is the one that will take place next Wednesday, coinciding with the anniversary as kings of their parents. An act in which the young women demonstrated, once again, your natural talent and elegance to cope to this type of responsibilities.

And, in 2023, both Leonor and Sofía experienced several key moments that placed them in the media spotlight. On the one hand, the first-born presided over the Princess of Asturias Awards, he swore the Constitution on the day he came of age and embarked on his military training at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, from which he will graduate soon. On the other hand, the young woman of the family traveled to Wales to rpursue the international baccalaureate at UWC Atlantic College. Also, in time, we will see her perform her first solo act.

The British press analyzes the relationship between Leonor and Sofía and compares them with these European royals

But if 2023 achieved anything, it is that the sisters were much more visible. It should be remembered that, for many years, his appearances were minimal. The reason? The Spanish Royal House, driven by the wishes of Felipe and Letizia, He wanted to protect the sisters so they could have a childhood as normal as possible. Something that, since last year, seems to no longer hold up.


This step forward by Leonor and Sofía has attracted the attention of the international press. After all, they were some of the most protected royals and unknown to the general public. That is why, taking advantage of the anniversary of the proclamation of the kings, the portal ‘Hello!’ wanted to compile some of the sisters’ highlights. “Since her father ascended the throne in 2014, the duo, who are just two years apart, have has blossomed into the spotlight“, can be read in the aforementioned medium.

Specifically, the publication has analyzed several moments to decipher the true relationship between them until concluding that in each image they showed that “they share a sweet brotherly bond“. In the photographs shown in the news, we can find several in which reference is made to how, while they were little, Leonor and Sofía shared outfits.

That’s how it is. Letizia and Felipe They decided to dress their little girls the same way (or with very similar tones and styles), creating the most adorable pictures, such as those of an Easter service where pink predominated or a summer vacation in Mallorca in which They chose white as their favorite color.


One of the most recent occasions in which we saw them wearing the same clothes was in 2019, when “They wore matching trench coats during their visit to Asieguawarded Best Asturian Town”. There, Leonor read one of her first speeches and, when she finished, her sister hugged her.

Other moments commented on by the aforementioned portal are when both showed, happily, his Spanish national team shirt or his gestures during his father’s coronation 10 years ago. A few moments in which the gestures and looks confirmed the beautiful relationship between them.

Precisely, this trend of dressing the same or very similar has caused the aforementioned magazine to compare the princess and infanta with other European royals. With which? Well, with the British, no less. “And like many young royals (remember the princesses Eugenie and Beatriz and Princes William and Harry), they have done so with a variety of matching outfits,” they say.

Leonor and Sofía’s current relationship: physical distance, acts together and the same complicity

The bond between Leonor and Sofía has only grown in recent times, as we have seen in recent times. For example, at the 2023 Princess of Girona Awards we saw the sisters chair an event alone. They both stayed close the entire time and held hands.while they walked or listened to the explanations of their visit.

And not only that. It was more than clear the role of each sister. While Leonor looked at Sofía to check that she was okay, the infanta did not stop making funny comments or pointing out some element that allowed The princess relax and laugh comfortably.

Another key moment was when the royal family said goodbye to Princess Leonor last August as she began her military training in Zaragoza. The sisters They said goodbye with a deep hug and a loving kiss, demonstrating pride and admiration for the princess’s new phase, as well as sadness at having to separate. A distance that will end (at least for a short period) in the coming weeks: both finish their training soon and, in addition, they will be the protagonists of one of the events during the proclamation day.

Leonor and Sofía will go to the Royal Collections Gallery, where they will meet with young people between 17 and 20 years old awarded by the Princess of Girona Foundation, the Spanish Institutional Foundation (FIES) and the Hesperia Foundation. An event where, after several months without performing joint events, we will be able to see again the harmony and dynamics between the sisters that we love so much.

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