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Cande Tinelli’s moving message to Coti Sorokin for her birthday – GENTE Online

Coti Sorokin He turned 51 and his wife, Cande Tinellidedicated a tender message to him on social networks, celebrating his birthday and sharing photos of various moments together.

It is the musician’s first birthday as the model’s husband and she stressed the value of the relationship they have, declaring herself a “lucky to have this person by my side”.

One of the photos that Cande shared for Coti’s birthday.

Although Lelé said he did not want to be corny, he opened his heart and He told Coti: “Honestly, life has become lighter and more fun since I met him. It made me mature a lot as a woman and as a human being.. I have emotional stability and my ideas are much more settled. I value things more. I matured. And he has a lot to do with it.”

With vacation images and even one of her wedding, Cande assured that her life with her husband is better: “Together we have the gift of taking the positive side of everything, no matter how hard it is., shake hands and move forward. “Together we are stronger than apart, if we don’t make so much drama about things that aren’t worth it.”

A postcard from Coti and Cande’s wedding in February 2024.

Thank you for constantly making me laugh, for listening to me every time I have my downs, for making me feel cared for and sure of myself. I love you deeply and I hope that we are always accompanying each other in everything as we always did. Here’s to many more adventures, surrounded by music and animals. Deep talks, piano, concerts and tour hotels. Horses, painting, new projects. All. Happy birthday my love Coti, enjoy today and every day of life“, expressed Marcelo Tinelli’s daughter in the tender post.

Furthermore, he reflected on the way in which people connect and invited people to bet on love: “In a world and a society of “liquid” relationships, relationships without affective or emotional responsibility, where we all think that we are eternal adolescents. and we practically end up choosing solitude out of a certain selfishness, I sincerely wish you all a companion”.

Cande and Coti enjoying the night at a bowling alley.

Coti himself responded to his wife’s publication, agreeing with the proposal of complementing each other: “I love you my love. I love you what is not written. Companion, beautiful companion of my life. My complement at all times. You make me a better person every day that I wake up next to you”.

Cande Tinelli’s moving letter dedicated to her husband Coti Sorokin

This is not the first time Cande Tinelli She turns to writing to express her emotions, and particularly, what she experiences with her husband Coti Sorokin.

Just a few hours after the beautiful wedding ceremony they experienced at the end of February, Lelé showed the official photos of her wedding, but accompanied it with a touching love letter to describe what was one of the most special moments of his life and that of his family.

“Last night was not a normal night. There was something special in the air. “There was peace, love, happiness, and a lot of emotion.”the young singer began by saying in that writing that accompanied her wedding photo album.

And he continued: “Everything was perfect. As it should be. Place, family, friends, my four-legged babies. My heart explodes with happiness. We had an overdose of love between all of us. “It was felt in the atmosphere.”

“I only have words of gratitude to everyone. Many people worked hard to make this incredible. No more, no less. Everything was fair. Beautiful,” Lelé continued saying in another paragraph of the summary he made of his incredible party.

“I take to my pillow a deep sense of peace and joy. In an ideal universe, I wish every day of my life were like last night. I love my family madly. “Today it was difficult for me to separate after a few magical days,” he told his fans towards the end of his post.

And she concluded with some tender words for her husband: “I love you my love @cotioficial. I feel very very very happy. I am happier by your side. I choose you so that we continue traveling through this life together, with the laughter, respect, and love that characterizes us. Only you and I know how much we went through together, to be where we are today.”

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