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Pampita caused a stir with a super mini black dress

In every appearance he makes, Pampita does not disappoint his fans and She always dazzles with the suits and dresses she chooses for each occasion.

The model is a fashionista all-rounder ranging from casual and fun looks to the most sensual gala dresses. Now, on the occasion of her role as a driver At the Olga awards, the top model showed the details she used to dazzle everyone.

This was the look that Pampita chose for the Olga awards

For his last public appearance with his partner Damián Betular, Pampita andShe wore a super mini dress with a daring sweetheart cut, which not only highlighted her spectacular figure, but also became the topic of the moment on social networks.

The dress, which combines elegance and sensuality, was accompanied by stiletto sandals in the same tone and gold hoops as an accessory. The model wore her hair down and straight and had a very natural makeup.

In this way, Pampita made it clear that she knows how to elegantly wear a dress that stands out for its sensuality. With a touch of glam and just the right accessories, the model elevated a simple outfit and made it her own.


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