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What is the new life of Rocío, Lucía Galán’s daughter, in Spain?

Written in SHOWS he 6/15/2024 · 9:10 p.m.

Lucia Galanknown for being part of the famous duo Burnet, has not only captured attention for his musical career, but also for his personal life. Together with her ex-husband, businessman Alberto Hazán, Lucía had her daughter Rocío, who at 27 years old, has chosen a life away from the spotlight of entertainment, settling in Madrid since mid-2022 with her partner, Damián Aramendi.

Rocío Hazán Galán has maintained a low profile throughout her life. “I am very curious… I like to learn from myself. I am very interested in getting to know myself. I give coaching classes for artists. I accompany the person so that they can expand their art,” she said in an interview with Herederos (Telefe), highlighting her approach in personal and professional growth.

Since she was little, Rocío was immersed in the artistic world, accompanying her mother on tours and presentations. After finishing high school in Buenos Aires, she surprised many by not immediately pursuing an artistic career. In her place, she attempted to study medicine and psychology, but eventually discovered that her true passion lay in music, dance, and singing. “I try to connect with music from a more relaxed place, without expectations, with the desire to play. I have been singing since I can remember and I will never stop doing it,” she confessed to the magazine HELLO!

Recently, Lucía Galán shared worrying news with her followers: during a medical check-up in Madrid, they discovered a premalignant cyst in her pancreas. “Last year in Madrid, while having a CT scan, they miraculously discovered a premalignant cyst in the pancreas. A follow-up was done and the conclusion reached is that I have to go to surgery,” Lucía said on her social networks. .

In this situation, Rocío has been a fundamental pillar for her mother. Lucía expressed in an Instagram post: “Rocio, today, at 27 years old, is much more than my daughter, she is my support when I am falling, she is my sidekick in fun plans, she is the one who calms me down when I can’t find the north, she is “The one that locates me when I don’t see clearly. That’s all. Thank you, dear daughter, for being with me once again at this moment. I love you like words cannot explain.”

Rocío’s decision to move to Madrid with her partner Damián Aramendi was a big change, but also an opportunity to forge her own path. Despite the distance, mother and daughter maintain a close relationship. Lucía takes advantage of European tours to meet with her daughter, sharing special moments and strengthening their bond.

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