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relationships that end, estrangements… You can be reborn and revived”


Gabriel de la Morena

QLet’s say there are two types of interpreters: those who wait for us with a dish that we already know or know we like and those who cook surprises. You come home without knowing what’s for dinner, but thinking about what series you’re going to watch. We look for ‘thriller’ or ‘romantic’ and there they are, with the plate ready and overflowing with dry scares or long hugs, so that we can put the spoon in; other times, we let the most versatile ones surprise us with a new, unexpected dish.

Georgina Amorós Sagrera (Barcelona, ​​1998) She belongs to that second category of actresses who are silent and magical like salt.. She speaks five languages. She studied acting in Los Angeles. She has millions of fans, but she remains mysterious and well-known at the same time. She has been Jimena, Ana, Cayetana, Irene, Fátima, Marta or Delores. She was Jimena in Red Eagle and Ana in velvet. She rose to global fame with two projects by the same authors: Elitewhere she played the controversial role of Cayetana, an apparently happy and engaged young woman with All the times we fell in lovewhere Irene was, an opposite profile. Netflix paid homage to him. But she was also Fatima in the successful Vis a visMartha in emperor codewhere she shared the screen with Luis Tosar and was Delores under the direction of Woody Allen in Rifkin’s Festivalamong other works.

Your first surname is the most searched hashtag on the platforms; The second alludes to the sacred spaces near the chapels inside which wines and cereals are kept. Today she stars alongside Karra Elejalde in a rural mystery series, Second death on the platform Movistar+where she plays Sandra, a young civil guard who He accidentally comes across the body of a woman who had died years before.. “The series transforms itself over and over again, there are many different worlds,” he explains, “in the third chapter, for example, or later in the sixth, we filmed in some old abandoned paper factories, a gloomy and spectacular place. The entire series takes place in Cantabria, where we settled for many months. It was very intense, the atmosphere is another character, the landscape matters, the whole story takes place in a small town.” A fiction in chapters that, once again, is played by an actress with the same intensity and multifacetedness as the landscape that surrounds it.

Second death

Can you die several times?

Yes, of course, in many different ways. In life you can die in many ways, with relationships that end, with estrangements, with small deaths and downturns, you can be reborn and revived. And what happens to this lady in the series could happen to you. Second Death. Well, it is not known what has happened to her during these seven years, since we already buried her, it is the common thread… we do not know.

Why do you think mystery and thrillers are in fashion? Do we need more emotions, but in another’s body?

It is a genre that works very well because it hooks you and the way the series are conceived, so that you can watch another episode, it is very effective, especially now that we see more fiction at home than in the cinemas. But fiction, like other genres, is like a Trojan horse: you see the thriller, and you enter the line of investigation, to delve into many other topics, just as happens in mystery literature, and you end up reflecting. about parent-child relationships or senile dementia, the thriller serves very well to enter intra-family plots.

What is—or has it been—your relationship with death?

There are other cultures in which not everything around death is a drama. There are many inexplicable positions, I have known that women are paid to go to funerals and cry. In other places there is a more spiritual thing, which is not experienced as an end but as a transformation. Without being religious, it is a concept that seems beautiful and beautiful to me. Death cannot be something purely physical.

Are we really in an audiovisual boom in Spain? How did this role come to you?

It came to me at a casting and they handed me the six scripts at once. Something unusual. Normally they give you two and the rest arrive. I read them in one go. I loved the arc he had in the six chapters, he is a more mature character. She is a mother, among other things. The conflicts she faces are hard. I hadn’t done much of a thriller, only a previous experience with Luis Tósar, this is the time I got most into the genre. Working with Karra was something that motivated me.

And in relation to female leadership, how do you see it in the world of acting?

An important project in that sense for me, on a personal level, was Vis a vis, which I did with many women, who all knew each other, the team was very feminine and congenial, seeing that work environment was very important. It touched me a lot to see how they supported each other. In Elite Also among the girls what we created was very like that. In All the times we fell in love, the directors we had were very different and very strong and they even invited me to direct a scene in one of the episodes. For me that is sorority: at some point you have to learn, they have to give you the opportunity, so that you can learn, and make mistakes. Men have been given the opportunity to make mistakes their entire lives, women have not.

Your interpretative range is wide… how do you define yourself in a few words?

I think I am someone who is above all very respectful: I do not understand intolerance, I believe in everyone being free to be as they want to be. No one has any right to judge or interfere in anyone’s life.

How does the rest of the cast affect your performance? Is she a better actress if she has a good replica?

When you can act and you have actresses or actors in front of you who give you everything and take you by the hand, and more than good they are generous, it is curious because you reach other places. In this series a very complex relationship is established between our characters. The first day we held hands and said ‘we are going to do this together’. It has been a job of being present and listening.

Released in one hundred countries

What do you like most and least about your profession?

What I like most is acting. That. The moment when they tell you ‘action’ and you enter a magical place, inexact in space-time. I forget everything and put myself in the service of playing and disappearing. The worst is everything that is not that moment. The hyperexposure of the image, the judgment, all those more superficial and physical things. I don’t feel so identified with that part, although I understand that it is inevitable.

Just what many people find most attractive! Fame and physique.

I like acting and I chose this profession because I like to interpret and get into the skin of characters. The other thing is something that is so out of my control that it makes me anxious and has nothing to do with the reasons why I have decided to be an actress. There are many people who give it a lot of importance, it is true, in current times it seems more important the physical appearance or the followers. But if I am an actress, what I should really want is to move others and invite them to take a trip with me.

What is it like to release simultaneously in more than a hundred countries?

With Elite It was a shock, we were very young and we were still trying to figure out who we were and what we liked. A lot of external judgment suddenly came to us. The good thing is that we worked together a lot, with Danna, with everyone, we had to grow up suddenly. Going through these strange phases in which you question everything is better to always do it with someone, that helps.

Now, in addition, your work is shown throughout the world, using total channels… Do you run your own networks?

Yes, I carry them. I try to use them correctly, as little as possible and see it as it is.

What is your advice in that regard?

What I really think is everyone should do it however they want: I try to use it for something nice, if a lot of people are interested in your work, your career and support you, feeling that warmth is good. But I no longer enter the comments, I have relativized that, not everything good is true nor is everything bad.

He is an activist in different causes, also through Instagram…

I think that the visibility of the networks is a direct channel with many people, that is true: it can help deliver messages that seem important to me, not to change anyone’s mentality. They are relevant things for me and I upload them the same with millions as if I had a hundred followers. It’s part of who I am. Not because I have more or less followers.

Finally, how do you recharge your energy?

I like to walk in the mountains, it is my form of meditation. I was just in New Zealand, when I was walking alone in the mountains to do a route, surrounded by nature, in the immensity, it was incredible. Three hours without speaking to anyone. It helped me connect with myself. In my free time, traveling helps me get to know other worlds and other lives, relativize, expand my personal vision and my work as an actress. I take trips to learn not to judge.

The trip that changed you the most personally?

Peru, where I met Virgilio and Pía, who are chefs with authentic and excellent restaurants who love their land, their origins, knowing the roots of something when it is done with heart, for genuine and less material reasons, that inspires me a lot.

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