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the cultural manager who is with Francisco Reyes

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Carmen Romero es una destacada gestora en el mundo de las culturas y las artes, quien además tiene una hermosa familia con el actor Francisco Reyes.

Reconocida por su aporte a la cultura nacional gracias a su cargo como directora en la Fundación Teatro a Mil, la profesional recientemente recibió la Medalla Goethe 2024, debido a su importante trabajo en las artes escénicas del país.

Se trata de un premio otorgado por el instituto de cultura alemana en Chile, el cual destacó el trabajo de Carmen Romero y su colaboración con el país europeo.

“Recibir la medalla es un reconocimiento al aporte que hemos realizado desde @fundacionteatroamil al desarrollo cultural del país. Es poner en valor las artes en su contribución sustancial a la sociedad”.

And he continued: “It is, by the way, a recognition of the imprint of Chilean theater, the exchanges that we have done in training, the artistic co-productions and the educational work that we do every day from the theater with children and young people in public schools in our country.

In turn, Carmen Romero received support on social networks from Francisco Reyes, who said he was proud to see the fruits of the work he has done for more than 30 years.

“For his tremendous contribution and that of his team, for 31 years, to the dissemination, training and circulation of the performing arts in our country and the world. Congratulations honey!”, said the actor who these days is shining as a jury in Got Talent Chile.

La historia de amor de Carmen Romero y Francisco Reyes

The couple met in the 1980s, in the midst of the demonstrations against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, where they began as friends.

At that time, Carmen Romero and Francisco Reyes were neighbors in the Bellavista neighborhood, So their closeness allowed them to later start a romance, but not before facing some difficulties.

The above, since shortly after meeting each other, she went to Italy, but she reunited with the actor during her stay in Paris (France), to never separate again and tell a love story of more than 40 years.

“He is a tremendous companion, a giant father of three children. It is key for our life to have a family and this was established in our way,” commented Carmen Romero in a recent interview with CNN Chile.

Furthermore, the cultural manager highlighted that “we never set out to be together, in fact we never got married, and I am very grateful for life for having found him, since it has allowed me freedom and to learn a lot about his art as well. “He is a tremendous artist, very sensitive, and we have been companions and a couple.”.

It should be noted that Francisco Reyes and Carmen Romero have three children in common, who continued in their parents’ footsteps in culture: Rocío, lyrical singer; Ismael, visual artist; and María Elisa Reyes Romero, filmmaker and audiovisual director.

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