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What is Yanina Latorre’s key to being the “first” to find out all the gossip – Paparazzi Magazine

Yanina Latorre She is one of the show’s most prominent and iconic panelists. Known for her ultra-spicy tongue and for the excellent handling of information she has through her contacts, she is a reliable source of scoops and insiders of all kinds.

Next to Angel de Brito In LAM, Yanina is one of the historical little angels of the cycle and without a doubt the driver’s ace of spades, who also stands out for being number 1 in terms of information and scoops. Maybe that’s why she is also the target of criticism, because of that same combative personality that she has.

This made her gain a certain fame within the world of entertainment, pointed out as a generator of conflicts or even being feared by many. In fact, many have faced her – or have wanted to -, although she usually always ends up winning any fight.

At this time, on his radio program The Observer 107.9Yanina starred in an interesting pass with Luis Majul in which he revealed what tactic he uses daily to be successful in his professional career. What are we referring to? To the formula you use to be successful at your job.

Deep down I am healthy, because since I do this, speaking, everyone has the prejudice towards me that I am going to be the quilombera and the rabble of the group. And something that I don’t do in social groups is not carry or bring, or tell,” He started saying.

At that moment, the little angel opened up about how she handles information and the respect she has: “I think one of the successes of my career is that I don’t go around commenting on everything in the hallways. Ask Ángel, because I’m the only one who lasted, I’m a tomb, I tell the air what I want to tell.”

Then he explained that many have a wrong image about his attitude, although that is just a screen and he knows how to keep professional secrecy: “It seems like I’m acting crazy, but I don’t sell to anyone, I know where I’m going, I always warn, but I don’t go through the hallways gossiping. What Ángel tells me dies with me.”

“Success in journalism is the one that doesn’t go through the hallways telling everything about everyone, obviously everything falls apart, some people don’t get hired because they sell you, they tell the producer among other things,” Yanina stated, about her internal management and what led her to be so successful today.

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