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Fantino responded harshly to Ricardo Darín

The driver picked up the glove and crossed the actor for saying that someone sent him to defend Javier Milei’s government.

Alejandro Fantino responded to Ricardo Darin after their recent confrontation and it was forceful.

In recent days, the actor crossed the driver after criticizing him for expressing his opinion about the cuts in the INCAA as a result of the measures of Javier Milei and it was blunt.

“He told me that he was content with taking two showers with hot water, and I saw him playing tennis in the Vilas, when he couldn’t get the BMW in because it hit the trees in the back,” the driver had said about the actor in March. .

Now, consulted by A la Tarde (América TV) about it, Ricardo Darín expressed: “I was a little surprised… but people change. I didn’t really understand why that was, because it’s not true. It struck me a little attention”.

On the other hand, the artist clarified his statements about INCAA and Javier Milei: “I said that holding artists responsible when accounts do not close was perverse, reckless and unfair. It is clear that this affected created interests and they sent some boys who said ‘Cut off this bastard’s legs.’ It seems unfair to me when they lie.”

What Alejandro Fantino said about Ricardo Darín

After the commotion, Alejandro Fantino picked up the gauntlet and responded to Ricardo Darín on the air of his program in Neura, Multiverso Fantino: “I cannot understand that you take Neura, my team and me to install the idea that what we We say it’s because they tell us. You put us in a very uncomfortable place, a shitty place, quite ugly. You got into the mud of Argentine politics and you want to come out clean. In Argentina, those of us who do politics by giving opinions are all in it. mud, I’ll take whatever comes; attacks, operations, assaults, defamations, it’s part of the game.

“Don’t say more than what they tell us to say because it breaks my nerves. No one tells me to say anything, not even Milei, no one. The day I have to say things that I don’t like, I will do it, I’ve already said it. What What’s wrong with this crazy guy is that I like what he’s doing much more than what he’s not doing. He has the balls of a bull to defund you who have lived your entire life from the State,” he continued.

Then, Fantino reminded him of the spot he recorded last year in support of Argentine cinema along with other actors and stated: “What you say is in your personal capacity, they don’t tell you, but I could say that what you did of Incaa, your sister ordered you to do it.” And he continued: “He speaks about what he feels and the others, if they do not have the same opinion, are told to speak. It is not like that, we simply do not agree. What does bother me is the stupid justification of thinking that Argentina for the most important thing that is known is cinema”.

“You don’t think well of this government and that’s fine, but it has to be said, dad. You say it in your personal capacity and the rest of us are hitmen. It sucks for me, but I founded a media outlet precisely for that, so that I don’t break the balls and there is not a single noise,” the driver complained. And he stated: “There is no money, and what there is, we have to spend it on what really matters and what is needed. There is no money to blow up a Fiat 600 or to sell fake stamps. There is no money for the press, for the big medium ones, the medium ones and the little ones, unfortunately.”

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