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“You are a joke”: Yerko Puchento against Adriana Barrientos in PH

The comedian joked with well-known faces of the show and made several jokes in relation to the rains of recent days.

Yerko Puchento took advantage of his third appearance in We can talk to do a sharp routine where he threw several jokey phrases at faces of the show, being Adriana Barrientos one of the most mentioned.

This Sunday, June 16, the comedian made his best jokes about the frontal system and the rains that our country experienced a week ago. It was there that he took advantage of linking some well-known names with the floods.

“What a way to rain water all over Chile, they were throwing the water with a bucket. She left the broom everywhere (…) “In the courts it was full of leaks, there was even an Overflow,” the controversial character began saying.

There, too, the comedian made fun of a media family conflict: “Mago Jiménez’s son was in water up to his neck, and the Cote López sank him.”

“Dr. Cordero lost a tile, the only one she had left,” he added between laughs.

Finally, Yerko joked about the house arrest of the former mayor of Maipú: “Cathy Barriga looked out the window and said: Today I’m not going out”.

The acidic dedication of Yerko Puchento against Adriana Barrientos

After this, Yerko Puchento referred to the controversial trial of Pamela Díaz vs. Adriana Barrientos exposing that there are much more important situations to attend to.

“We are invaded by posters, of the Aragua Train, the Spartans, we have more trains than the Central Station, and we are worried about La Negra’s trial with Barrientos, how spicy,” he explained.

After this harsh criticism against the well-known faces of the show, he took the opportunity to dedicate a message to the one also called Leona.

“I’m talking to you, you and your program made money for Pamela Díaz, and your defense in court, what was it? “That you were a comedian, that’s why you said what you said.”criticized the character of Daniel Alcaíno.

It was there that he began to remember “real comedians” mentioning figures such as Chespirito, Cantinflas, Jorge Pedreros, Stefan Kramer and several more.

“They are comedians, you Adriana Barrientos are not a comedian, you are just a joke,” Yerko Puchento attacked.

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