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Vanessa Senior, Androgen and Oscar Alejandro celebrate Gay Pride month as a Drag Queen. Who looks better?

The month of June has a very important meaning for the LGBTIQ+ community around the world. It is the union of a march to celebrate the history, progress, achievements and strength that the group has had. In Venezuela, various public figures have decided to transform themselves into Drag Queens, to leave a very clear message.

This is the case of content creators Vanessa Senior, Oscar Alejandro and Luis Miguel Morantes, better known as Androgen, who have proudly produced makeup, wigs, heels and pantyhose to perform the art of transformation.

Vanessa Montage

Through Instagram, the 46-year-old from Caracas shared a reel of her first time in drag, wearing elaborate makeup by Mckenzie Rosse. In the text of the publication, the Creole applauded the passion that members of the community have to offer a high-profile character.

“First time I drag myself and my respects to all those who do this for a living. It’s an art. “It was a divine day with my friends,” wrote.

Oscar Alejandro

The Valencian decided to carry a message of inclusion, respect and love, transforming into a beautiful drag with the Venezuelan flag in his hands, demanding that community rights continue to increase in the country.

“As I promised, I not only dressed in drag, but I raised my voice for the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community in my country,” stated the influencer who has accumulated more than a million followers on YouTube.


The graduate in advertising and psychology, wears her character with pride every day on national television, events and social networks, setting an example of inclusion. However, for this month she has decided together with makeup artist Adrián Manrique to make a colorful video promoting the color of the gay flag.

“PRIDE VIBES, wear your pride. Live your pride. Be your pride. And be kind. Everyone deserves to be happy. Human rights belong to everyone. “How fun life is,” they wrote in the shared post.

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