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Pedro García-Aguado goes to the doctor after becoming the winner of ‘Survivors 2024’ and shares his diagnosis

Pedro García-Aguado (55 years old) has lived 24 very intense hours. Last Tuesday night, the coach became the winner of ‘Survivors 2024’. From there, whoever was a contestant from the Telecinco reality show has not stopped. Since the celebration on the set ended, she has not stopped making plans and has barely slept with everything she has had to do. Some plans that she has spoken about in the first appearance he has made on his Instagram profile after more than three months away from his social networks. Among them, he has highlighted having gone to the doctor.

Pedro García-Aguado He said that one of the things he did a few hours after returning from Honduras was to go to the doctor to analyze his state of health upon his return from ‘Survivors 2024’. After more than 100 days in Honduras living in extreme conditions, eating little, making physical efforts, without a varied diet and after a notable weight loss, the ‘Big Brother’ wanted to have a check-up to check that everything is correct. This is what he himself has told.

Pedro García-Aguado tells of his visit to the doctor after ‘Survivors 2024’

“How are you family, how are you?” I look tired, right? First of all, thank you very much for making me winner of ‘Survivors 2024’”, These were the first words of Pedro García-Aguado in his reappearance on Instagram. Later, he went on to tell about his plans in the first hours outside the reality show. “I slept little, last night I was with my daughters until late, commenting,” he said about his first reunion after months without having contact with his family.

Then he went on to tell that visit to the doctor. “This morning I had a medical check-up at eight o’clock, it seems that everything is fine,” he said about the diagnosis that was made to him in the check-up, which was that everything was correct. The winner of ‘Survivors 2024’ has made reference to his physical change by commenting that he looks “very thin, blonder hair, beard, I’ll see what I do tomorrow to go to the gala…”. Some words with which he referred to tonight’s program.

Pedro García-Aguado, at the premiere of ‘Survivors: All Stars’

Because Pedro García-Aguado and many of his colleagues They will be at the premiere of ‘Survivors: All Stars’ today. In particular, he and his partner Rubén Torres, the second finalist of ‘Survivors 2024’, will take stock of what they experienced in Honduras. Something that in the grand final they could not do in a calm and perspective manner and that they will do today.

Pedro García-Aguado and Aurah Ruiz, for food after ‘Survivors 2024’

What he has also done Pedro García-Aguado in his first hours in Spain, has been eating with one of her companions. As they shared on Instagram, the winner of ‘Survivors’ and Aurah Ruiz went to eat together at an evening in which his family members were also present. The Big Brother and the influencer They forged a very good friendship in Honduras and as soon as he returned they have continued with this relationship that they plan to continue strengthening now that the Telecinco reality show has come to an end.

Pedro García-Aguado, to finish that first intervention on Instagram, He has once again shown his gratitude to all those who voted for him to be the winner of ‘Survivors 2024’. “As I said, I love you very much and I am extremely grateful,” he commented on how grateful he feels to the audience who gave him the surprise of making him the winner of a reality show that on more than one occasion he thought about abandoning but later he managed to make it to the end.

What is Pedro García-Aguado going to spend the ‘Survivors 2024’ prize on?

What Pedro García-Aguado has also done after winning ‘Survivors 2024’ has been to tell what he is going to spend the prize on. With the 200,000 euros, plans to make a donation to the 21 hours association “in aid of the prevention of young kids so that they do not fall into addictions, neither technological nor substance, I am going to make a donation.” In addition, he is going to invest the money in the future of both himself and his daughters, in order to ensure their financial situation in a few years.

At the moment, the coach does not plan to give no special whim with the check that credits him as the winner of an intense edition of the survival reality show that he once thought of abandoning. “At first I thought I would quit but as the weeks went by I saw that I could, being who I am and without hurting anyone,” he commented in the final about some quit attempts that, fortunately, he did not carry out because in the end he ended up as the unexpected winner.

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