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Arnaldo André confessed that he injects bull semen

When Franco insisted on knowing more about his appearance, André continued: “Lately he’s been bringing things from Switzerland. What he’s bringing is bull semen.”.

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Arnaldo André injects bull semen

Although some of those present burst out laughing, the actor kept a serious face. Mariana Brey asked him: “Is that taken or injected?” Arnaldo, unable to help but laugh, explained that it is an injection.

“And what does he do? Because they had told me that Arnaldo André was using it… because I asked what was keeping him so well, it’s great. And they told me that he was consuming or taking a substance called bull semen.” , the panelist tried to clarify.

In this way, the Paraguayan actor explained: “Not only me… Betiana Blum, Cristina Albero, Marta González… Many do not have the discipline to say ‘every 15 days we go’. You have to be constant.”

Finally, Mirtha asked him what people say to him when they see him on the street, and Arnaldo responded: “They remind me of soap operas as if I were on the air right now.”

What is bull semen?

He bull semen is the biological fluid produced by bullscontaining sperm and a mixture of proteins, minerals, enzymes and other biologically active components. In the context of livestock farming, bull semen is collected and used for artificial insemination in order to improve herd genetics and increase reproductive efficiency.

Bull semen treatment for skin rejuvenation became popular in certain spas and beauty salons as an exotic skin improvement solution. It is promoted as a natural method that takes advantage of the nutritional and regenerative properties of semen.

Composition and supposed benefits

Bull semen contains proteins and minerals that, in theory, can be beneficial for the skin. Some of the most notable components include:

  • Proteins and Amino Acids: They are believed to help nourish and repair the skin, encouraging cell regeneration.
  • Enzymes: They could help in exfoliating the skin, removing dead cells and promoting a fresher complexion.
  • Minerals: Like zinc and magnesium, which are essential for skin health and may have anti-inflammatory effects.

Treatment usually involves topical application of a cream or mask containing bull semen. It is left on the skin for a specific period before rinsing it off. Beauty salons that offer this treatment claim that it can improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles and give a more youthful and radiant appearance.

What does science say?

Despite claims about the benefits of bull semen for the skin, scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is scarce. To date, there are no robust clinical studies showing that bull semen has significant rejuvenating effects on human skin. Most evidence is anecdotal and comes from individual testimonies.

The use of biological products in cosmetic treatments always raises safety concerns. It is crucial to ensure that any product used is free of contaminants and diseases. Application of untreated bull semen could potentially cause allergic reactions or infections.

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