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Juana Repetto showed her son’s reaction when he saw his new house under construction for the first time: “My adventure companion”

Juana Repetto recorded her son’s reaction when visiting her new house under construction (Video: @juanarepettook)

During the last weeks, Juana Repetto He shared the progress of the construction of his new house on his Instagram account and surprised his million and a half followers with the reaction of Toribiohis eldest son, upon seeing the place for the first time.

It all goes back to last year, when the actress and her family bought, with great effort, a piece of land on which they began to build their new house. Despite initial obstacles, the work finally began. So, these days, the influencer visited the place with Toro and shared her joy with her friends. followers.

“In 2023, with a lot of effort, we bought land to build our own little house and this is how my oldest child experiences it, with so much emotion that my soul cannot enter my body from the love and happiness it generates in me,” Juana wrote in a reel showing progress.

Her joy extended to her eldest son. “The day I gave her the surprise, the first time she went to the play and the progress, now she is a fan of going. Once again, my adventure partner choosing to be an equal part. I’ll show you the little one also living the process,” Juana commented with emotion.

Juana Repetto shared the progress of the construction of her new house (Video: @juanarepettook)

However, the road to building their house was easy. At the end of March, Juana shared on her Instagram stories the problems she faced when starting the work. Construction was delayed almost a month due to a serious problem with the land. “They started to dig the well, they were delayed a lot… When we started to plant the house we found out that the land has fewer meters than we paid for. Very serious,” he revealed at that time.

As he explained, the situation was even more complicated than it seemed, since the problem with the meters of land had not been resolved. Despite this, he decided to continue with the work so as not to waste more time and money. “We are starting to build because we don’t want to waste any more time”said Juana, stressing that each month of delay meant additional rental costs and loss of income for the contracted builders.

Juana Repetto on the land where they are building their next house (Instagram @juanarepettook)

The daughter of Queen Reech and Nicolas Repetto He also explained that the surveyor in charge of certifying the space warned that, in vacant land, he had no obligation to measure the space precisely. This “land slide” would have caused a decrease in the meters of his property. “It’s called ‘running’. It has been crawling since all the lands ran a little. Since mine is the last to be built, it was in the middle,” Juana explained.

And followed: “This can be an eternal problem. If you’re lucky, six months could go by and I wouldn’t be able to build.. And that causes me a huge loss of money, energy and so on,” he lamented at the time. Despite the setbacks, he was optimistic and continued with the work. “I am excited and very excited that we are starting,” she expressed in one of her publications, accompanied by a selfie with the machines working in the field.

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