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Was it for Karla? Pamela Franco throws a tremendous hint: “Don’t worry, no one is going to take that womanizer away from you” | Christian Dominguez | | SHOWS

In the latest edition of ‘Magaly TV La Firme’, host Magaly Medina unleashed a new controversy by exposing a hint from the cumbia singer Pamela Francoapparently directed at the speaker Karla Tarazona. This June 20, Franco used his TikTok account to send a message full of irony in a context where Tarazona is working to redeem the image of his ex-partner, Christian Domínguez.

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Host Karla Tarazona has been publicly happy with Domínguez’s recent approach to her children, showing off a united family at various events. However, Pamela Franco, mother of Domínguez’s last daughter, published an audio on TikTok.

“Don’t worry, my love, no one is going to take that womanizer away from you. “That bad life is deserved only by you.”. This comment has been interpreted as a direct shot at Tarazona, generating a stir on social networks.

Pamela Franco sends ‘indirect’ to Karla Tarazona

Magaly Medina did not miss the opportunity to comment on the event on her program. “Pamela Franco, who makes like ten Tiktoks a day, just has one that is, I think, directed at her, right? That one was very direct, but Karla Tarazona deserves it for trusting this chinguenguenchón again. Because she tells him: ‘calm down, calm down, because no one is going to take that womanizer away from you.’ She deserves it ‘”said Medina, fueling the controversy.

In recent months, Karla Tarazona has been striving to improve Christian Domínguez’s public image, participating in live events and programs. Even during a special for ‘Father’s Day’, both showed themselves as a united family with their children, projecting an image of harmony and family stability. This initiative, however, has been questioned by various media and followers.

The controversy continues to grow and will surely give a lot to talk about in the coming days. Will this be a new stage in the Peruvian showbiz soap opera? Only time will tell, but the truth is that, for now, Pamela Franco’s statements have left a mark in the always turbulent world of celebrities.

War has started? Karla Tarazona to Domínguez: ‘Your mother was looking for someone to change your diaper’

During a sequence of the Préndete program, the radio host and the cumbia singer gave their opinion on the complicated relationship with the in-laws, a moment that Karla took advantage of to tell details of how she got along with the artist’s mother.

Although she did not go into details, Rafael Fernández’s ex hinted that her relationship with her ex-mother-in-law was not the best and that Christian Domínguez suffered from ‘mastitis’.

But that was not all. The host of Panamericana Televisión took advantage of the space to throw a strong barb at Pamela Franco, remembering that she bathed Christian Domínguez as a ‘token of love’.

“(Christian’s mother) She prepared the juice for him and brought him a straw, she told him here (…) He took care of you, he congratulated you, I imagine he was looking for someone like that, to change your diaper hahahaha what I did not ask is that if he bathed you tooheld.

These statements were as a result of what was said by Pamela Franco, who before ending the relationship with the leader of the ‘Grand International Orchestra’ revealed that she congratulated the singer and even helped him bathe.

“There’s nothing wrong with him, his little bathroom, you have to be proud of him, he comes home from work. You not only have to treat a man like this, but also give him love because otherwise he is going to leave.” he commented on that occasion.

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