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Felipe VI confesses what he thought when his daughters Leonor and Sofía skipped protocol

Last June 19 was a very special day for the Spanish royal family. And the Royal House celebrated the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI, a date in which several events, concerts and dinners were organized in which the Kings showed how happy they have been in front of the institution during those ten years. Of course, with how hermetic everything related to the Crown is, was very surprised when Leonor (18 years) and Sofia (17 years) they moved their father with a few words completely unexpected.

A few moments after the official lunch began with all the guests, the Infanta and the Princess of Asturias got up from their seats and placed themselves in the central part of the room. Very close and nervous, the two wanted to send a message (although it seemed that Letizia already knew her plans) to her parents to support them on this important day: “Mom, dad, sorry for sneaking in, but we also have something to say today”Leonor began saying. A moment in which she saw the King very emotional and trying to hide his tears.

“Thank you for joining us to remember that in these ten years, we have learned from our parents the commitment that the four of us have with the Spanish people”Sofia continued saying. “We would like you to join us in a toast to our mother and father, to our Kings, because since we were born they have taught us the value of the Crown, and its purpose of serving everyone,” Leonor continued. “Mom, dad, thank you”concluded the Infanta with a shy smile.

A few simple words that everyone present really liked, but especially Felipe. “I had no idea“, he said to his table companions. Now, just two days after the beautiful moment, after presenting the ’15 de Junio’ award between 1998 and 2001 to the former president of the Constitutional Court, Pedro Cruz Villalón, in the Congress of the Deputies, the monarch has spoken to the media and has spoken about the surprise of the apple of his eye.It was very exciting, I liked it“, expressed Cristina and Elena’s brother, adding with his characteristic sense of humor: “I was a little worried, to see if they were going to do something wrong…“.

Felipe VI, containing his emotion.


Without a doubt this anniversary has marked a before and after in the papers of the Royal Family, an institution that has just opened an Instagram profile. In fact, one of the things that caught the most attention of those present and of all those who follow these types of events is that For the first time Leonor and Infanta Sofía presided over the table. Because? The King himself explained that they wanted to facilitate the communication of all of them with the recipients in order to get to know each other better. “Due to the nature of this celebration, the Queen and I are here, in the center. The princess and the infanta are in the background. We want everyone to be interspersed and to be able to get to know you a little more about your profiles, your careers and your works,” He counted before starting lunch.

Felipe’s strategy to not cry

That Felipe repressed his emotion is undeniable. For this reason, Telecinco contacted Julio García Gómez, an expert in non-verbal communication, to analyze each gesture of the monarch. “He has experienced the most emotional impact since his proclamation“, given that “His daughters have created the most favorable climax for it“he began by saying.

Content to not shed any tears“Our monarch threw a kiss in the air to his daughters and the Princess of Asturias responded in the same way and then approached and merged into a big hug. “There are two key gestures: the fThe look of Felipe’s eyes and the movement of his lips to try to stop the emotion” because despite not being able to shed tears, “in the end the feelings are stronger,” said the professional.

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