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Mirtha Legrand’s hilarious comment to Chino Leunis in her first time in La Noche de Mirtha

The host received Leunis, host of “Poco Correctos”, with a funny joke.

June 22, 2024, 10:20 p.m.

Mirtha Legrand’s hilarious comment to Chino Leunis in her first time on La Noche de Mirtha. Video: Mirtha’s Night

Mirtha Legrand had a “table” on Saturday night that was attended by Chino Leunis, Noelia Marzol, María Fernanda Callejón and Alfredo Leuco.

Although many of them have already attended the program several times, Chino visited La Noche de Mirtha for the first time. “I had never been here, it’s my first time here in my life. It is a great honor and joy.”, reflected the host of Poco Correctos.

When they called me, they didn’t finish the question and I directly said yes. I am very happy to be here and looking forward to enjoying this food.”he added. “You were a virgin of Legrand“, Mirtha released without warning, causing laughter from her assistants.

Today I debut with Mirtha“, stated Chino Leunis, fun. Alfredo Leuco, on the other hand, highlighted the importance of being invited to the “table”: “It is very consecrating to be here. Artists, musicians, everyone dreams of one day sitting at this table”.

Mirtha Legrand’s hilarious comment to Chino Leunis in her first time on La Noche de Mirtha. Photo: eltrece

Jimena Monteverde surprised Mirtha Legrand with a message from Pope Francis

Jimena Monteverde surprised the host with a message in the middle of La Noche de Mirtha. “We received Jimena, who was in the Vatican for a few days,” Legrand reported, and Jimena approached the table with emotion: “Mirtha, I missed you. “I truly tell you.”

Moments later, he approached the driver and said, almost in her ear: “You know I have a message for you, from the Pope. The only person he spoke to was me. I showed him your video, in which you sent him greetings, and he told me that he sends you a big kiss. He told me ‘tell her that I always see her, but say it secretly’”.

Faced with the latter, Monteverde reflected: “I am sinning! Don’t let him see this.” Surprised, Mirtha Legrand reacted: “I can’t believe it! Great!”.

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