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Why Queen Sofia was not invited to her son’s celebrations

Written in PRESENT he 6/23/2024 · 9:09 p.m.

Within the framework of the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of Philip VI As king of Spain, the Royal Family reappeared more united than ever on a festive day. Kings Felipe and Letizia, together with Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía, participated in a series of events that commemorated the decade at the head of the Crown. However, the celebration was marked by the notable absence of Queen Sofia, which generated many questions and speculation among those present and the press.

Despite the gestures of complicity and the emotional family scenes, the absence of Queen Sofía in the commemorative events drew special attention. King Felipe VI’s mother has been a constant and active member of the royal family, even after her husband, King Juan Carlos, abdicated and retired from public life. The absence of it, therefore, is notable and requires an explanation.

According to reports, Queen Sofia’s absence is due to a strategic decision by the Royal House. If the queen emeritus had been invited, it would also have been necessary to invite King Juan Carlos, which would have generated a lot of controversy due to the various controversies that have surrounded the former monarch.

“If the Kings made one thing clear when they took command of the Crown, it was that they wanted to distance themselves as much as possible from all the controversies carried out by the emeritus king,” explained sources close to the Royal House. This distancing policy has had a domino effect that affects Queen Sofia, limiting her participation in significant official events.

Queen Sofia remains one of the most beloved figures of the Spanish Royal Family. Her dedication and sacrifices to ensure the stability of her son’s reign are well known and respected. However, her decision not to invite her to certain important events has generated discontent among the public and some sectors of the press. It should be remembered that Queen Sofia was also not present at Princess Leonor’s swearing-in of the Constitution when she turned 18, a historic moment in the heir’s life.

Despite these notable absences, Queen Sofia has maintained her presence in public life. Recently, she attended the closing ceremony and concert of the 2023-2024 academic year of the Higher School of Music that bears her name. These types of appearances underscore her continued commitment to her royal duties, despite the limitations imposed by her husband’s situation.

In the family sphere, there have been positive signs. Recently, a rapprochement has been observed between King Felipe and his sisters, the Infantas Elena and Cristina. Doña Elena has had some events on the official agenda and Doña Cristina coincided with her brother at an event, something that had not happened for years. This approach is something that, without a doubt, fills Queen Sofia with joy.

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