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Priscilla Vargas played the mystery with publication of her family vacation in Europe

Desde hace unos días, Priscilla Vargas se ha ausentado del matinal de Canal 13, pues se encuentra de vacaciones con sus hijas.

A través de su cuenta de Instagram, la periodista jugó al misterio y compartió una hermosa postal en su lugar de destino, revelando que también fue un secreto para las niñas.

De hecho, Catalina y Josefa prepararon las maletas sin saber a dónde se dirigían.

“Atesorando momentos felices con mis niñitas. En un lugar muy muy lejano y perdido en el tiempo“, redactó la conductora de Tu Día.

“A surprise trip, they only found out the destination at the airport,” he added.

Finally, he highlighted that every day with his daughters he tries two things: “Let life surprise us” and understand that “the most beautiful memories are not recorded with the cell phone.”

¿Dónde fue de vacaciones Priscilla Vargas?

Although Priscilla Vargas did not specify in her publication which was the place where she went on vacation with her daughters, the image made the answer evident.

Behind her, the flag of Belgiumand the landscape that surrounds it corresponds to Witchescalled by some as “one of the most romantic cities in Europe.”

The beauty capital of the Flemish Region has a lot to offer, such as beautiful castles, bridges and canals that give it a medieval atmosphere, as well as being able to contemplate the Lake of Love (Minnewater).

For this and other reasons, it is not surprising that its historic center has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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