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Gustavo Guillermo congratulates Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia on their pregnancy

Despite Gustavo Guillermo’s last run-in with the Campos family due to the tribute organized by Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego to which the driver was not invited, Gustavo publicly congratulates Alejandra Rubio for her pregnancy. Far from wanting to get into more controversies with the family of which he was once a part, Gustavo took advantage of the Europa Press microphones to congratulate Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia on their upcoming parenthood: “Congratulations to Alejandra and Carlo, yes “Of course. That’s all I’m going to say.” Given the many controversies that have arisen about this new pregnancy, the man who was María Teresa Campos’ trusted man assured that the journalist’s granddaughter will be a wonderful mother despite her youth: “I think so, but I already told you “Of course she’s going to be a good mother, I’m sure.” Regarding the short time it has taken for the couple to become parents, Gustavo stated: “I see both of them very well. The truth is that yes, but that’s it, I’m not going to say anything more.” Without a doubt, the relationship between Gustavo and the Campos has been deteriorating more and more every day since the disappearance of María Teresa Campos and the exchange of accusations between them has been more than evident in these months in which Gustavo has even blocked Carmen Borrego from her personal contacts.

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