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Ben Affleck’s outburst with some paparazzi who were waiting for him outside his house: what he told them

In the last few images of an incident involving actor Ben Affleck in the vicinity of the house he shares with actress and singer Jennifer Lopez.

In the midst of divorce rumors that have been circulating about the couple for months, the director, screenwriter and film producer had a run-in with a group of paparazzi who photographed him upon arriving and leaving the house.

Affleck left the property late at night and stopped abruptly after being dazzled by the photographers and cameramen present at the scene. In a video shared on YouTube you can see how, at the moment he leaves with his car, several flashes They turn on simultaneously to try to capture the image.

After stopping the vehicle and backing up a few meters, the actor got out and addressed them, visibly upset by the situation. Shortly after exiting the vehicle, he confronted a particular man who had been filming him with his phone.

“Listen, you’re going to get me into an accident, you understand? “Don’t turn your light on at someone driving down your driveway!” she yelled at him. Then she snatched the phone from him and returned it to him after educating him.

Upon returning to the vehicle, Affleck spotted other paparazzi and asked them to stop filming. He then added: “What you are doing is dangerous, don’t you understand? I can not see. “They’re going to get someone hurt doing that shit.” Before leaving, he issued one last warning linked to his family: “My daughter is coming here. “If they turn on the lights on her, they are putting her in danger!”

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