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Francisco Dañobeitia dedicates a tender message on Instagram to Max Salgado and says goodbye to a beloved television personality – Publimetro Chile

Without a doubt, the characters of “Thiago” and “Joselo” from the TV series “Como la vida misma” of Mega – played by Francisco Dañobeitia and Max Salgado respectively – have been the ones that have aroused the most affection in the public, and also in the actors who give him life, who have said goodbye to them after the recordings were finished of fiction.

At least that’s how actor Francisco Dañobeitia let it be seen through his Instagram account, who wrote a tender and emotional message for his friend, after also closing a cycle at the theater, where this weekend they did the last performance of “Cabaret.”

“A process of more than a year with you…”

In that sense, the actor who gives life to Thiago in the television series which is now broadcast at night on Mega, dedicated a very nice message to Max Salgadoaccompanied by a photograph behind the stage of the play that ended its cycle, where both are hugging.

“Ending Cabaret A process of more than a year with you comes to an end, where I learned to know and adore you.”, Francisco Dañobeitia began writing.

To this he added that “It was a journey with many curves and today closing this process“I deeply appreciate everything I learned working with you.”

Goodbye Thiago, Joselo, Emcee and Cliff. “In my heart forever”actor Francisco Dañobeitia closed by saying in his message.

Meanwhile, the users and followers of the performer immediately reacted by filling the publication with “likes” and providing many good-natured comments and congratulations for the performances of both.

“Both of them are dry, the perfect duo to interpret a story as beautiful as that of Thiago and Joselo”, “It’s so beautiful when you find “that” scene partner”, and “After closing a stage or project, if it was satisfactory, what is coming will be even better, all my good vibes for all of you”, were some of the messages left by users in the publication.

Check the publication here:

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