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Ian Moche’s release after his time on Juana Viale’s program

Last Sunday at noon Juana Viale received in his program Ian Moche, Santiago Maratea, Eduardo Sacheri, Florencia Otero, Victorio D’Alessandro and the psychiatrist Alexia Ratazzi. The 11-year-old boy was summoned to talk about autism but his passage through the cycle was widely commented on on social networks.

The presence of Ian Moche It did not go unnoticed and the child was the victim of many malicious comments on social networks. For this reason, with the support of his family and his loved ones, the little boy decided to record a video that he then shared with his followers.

“Ian shouldn’t be giving explanations but he does, and do you know why? Because we believe that what happened today is a great reflection of how backward we are as a society, where hatred reigns, because we also believe that bullying begins in the home, in the family,” they expressed through Instagram.

“The world for autistic people, for anxious people, for those who live with hyperactivity, for those who struggle with their depression, is not prepared, the current world is hostile and if on the part of each one of us we do NOT do our part, this will be is going downhill,” added the family of Ian Moche.

The discharge of Ian Moche in social networks

“It was my dream to go to that program as you know. Many people interceded and I am grateful. But I want to speak for the comments…” he began by saying Ian Moche in the video. “It was very difficult for me to be on that program, many times it is difficult for us to socialize and understand the dynamics of the conversation,” she expressed.

“They told me ‘but’, they were invalidating me and not letting me finish the idea. I don’t want to be rude, I don’t like that. I try a lot to try to be good. It is my super interest to communicate. Many times it can be very long or very short, and not understood. But don’t say those things because I didn’t want to convey that,” he added.

On the other hand, Ian Moche He confessed that he cried several times throughout the recording. “I noticed three things, that I was really wrong, that I was making a mistake and that they were invalidating me. I felt invalidated and I couldn’t speak. They asked me only one question, then they didn’t ask me any more questions about my personal life,” he highlighted.

“I really wanted to report a lot of things but they didn’t let me finish the rest. I even read a book to be informed. I’m going to improve my social skills because it’s often difficult for me, I’m going to try to improve because empathy doesn’t just have to come from neurotypicals but from autistic people themselves,” said the child.

“The ideal world does not exist, but there can be a friendlier society, where we do not hurt others, where we listen to the experience of others and do not disqualify us. A more friendly and empathetic society. Many times they call us rigid, but those who do not adapt are the environment, which does not know how to receive an autistic person,” he concluded.

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