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The tender family photo of Jesica Cirio with her husband Elías Piccirillo and her daughter Chloe

One month after their wedding at the Duhau Palace, Jessica Cirio and Elias Piccirillo They seem happier every day. This Monday, the model She shared a tender family postcard where she appears on the couch at home, hugging her husband and her daughter Chloe, the result of her relationship with Martín Insaurralde.

In the following publication, the former host of La peña de morfi (Telefe) He shared a tender video that he recorded without his daughter realizing it. There, the girl appears very concentrated while playing the song “Estrellita donde donde tú” on the piano and, upon realizing that she is being filmed, she does not hesitate to go and cover the cell phone camera.

Also read: The images of the neighborhood where Elías Piccirillo, Jesica Cirio’s husband, lived were known

A few weeks ago, Cirio had said that Chloe and Elías’ relationship was perfect. He even revealed that she was very excited when they gave her the news that they were going to get married. “We told him together and he was excited. “She started shouting, celebrating”he said on the air Very morning (eltrece).

The tender postcard that Jesica Cirio shared from her family afternoon. (Photo: Instagram / jesicacirio)

Furthermore, regarding family dynamics, he indicated that it was a situation that did not represent any complexity for them. “We are both in a very stable moment, we both want the same thing. “We have girls, his is a little bigger and mine is smaller.”he said about Piccirillo’s 16-year-old daughter.

The tender video of Chloe, Jesica Cirio’s daughter. (Photo: Instagram / jesicacirio)

Jesica Cirio spoke about her husband’s fortune

After cImages of the humble Florencio Varela neighborhood where businessman Elías Piccirillo lived, some social media users began to circulate they began to question how he managed to make his fortune.

Tired of the accusations against his wife, Jesica Cirio decided to break the silence in a radio talk with Luis Ventura. “The reality is that I know him very well, I know very well who he is, I know everything“, held.

Regarding the comments made about her husband, the influencer said: “They say a lot of nonsense…, but I’m used to that too. What matters to me is what I live inside.”

Regarding how the businessman’s economic situation changed, he said: “I know very well who he is, I am with him every day, I know what he built and how smart he is. He is a director of a bank and does not stop working.” And he closed: “He is a kid who moves forward. And well, the rest is like I’m used to everything being like that.”

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