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“Cris Miró (Her)” has already been released and these are all the details

CRIS MIRÓ (ELLA), the original TNT and Flow series produced by Nativa and EO Media, will be a journey through time to rediscover the aesthetics, the situation and the show business of the time. (Credits: TNT)

In the midst of much expectation the series finally arrived Cris Miró (She) to TNT and Flow, which covers the star’s life from the beginning. In 1995, Cris Miro was named as the first trans vedette to head the magazine Maipo Theater in Buenos Aires. This event marked a milestone in the Argentine entertainment industry by highlighting gender identity in a traditionally conservative medium.

Raised under a gender that did not reflect her true identity, Cris Miró took this opportunity to present herself to the world as a woman. Her participation in the Teatro Maipo magazine gave her significant visibility and acceptance in Argentine society, an important step for the trans community in that country.

The Spanish actress Mina Serrano plays Cris Miró with a striking physical resemblance. (Credit: TNT)

However, the career of Cris Miro faced an unexpected obstacle when she was diagnosed with HIV positive. This news considerably impacted his future plans and decisions; the illness led Cris to hide his condition from him while he continued his career in entertainment. Cris decided to manage his health status privately, maintaining his public image until the end of his life.

Directed by Martin Vatenberg and Javier van de Couterand co-written by Lucas Bianchinithe Serie explores the public life of Cris Miró over eight chapters of half an hour each. Based on the novel Female, Cris Miró. Live and die in a country of males of Carlos Sanzolthe story focuses on Miró’s challenges and achievements during the 1990s, before his death in 1999.

“Cris Miró (Her)” consists of eight episodes directed by Martín Vatenberg and includes a renowned cast. (Credit: TNT)

The Spanish actress Serrano Mine plays Cris Miró, bringing a faithful recreation to the screen thanks to his impressive physical resemblance and vocal training to achieve an authentic Argentine accent. Highlander He had previously participated in the Italian film Le Favolose and stands out for his knowledge of the legacy of Cris Miró, which he had learned about through the book The evil ones of Camila Sosa Villada.

The series has an outstanding cast that includes actors such as Katja Alemann, César Bordón, Agustín Aristarán, Vico D’Alessandro, Marcos Montes, Toto Rovito, Manuel Fanego, Martin Campilongoand Adabel Guerrero. This acting team has worked to accurately represent Miró’s life and impact on Argentine society at the time.

The series is based on the book “Fembra, Cris Miró” by Carlos Sanzol. (Credit: TNT)

The interviews conducted with people close to Miró, including his friend and artistic director Jorgelina Abelardo and his brother, were essential to create an authentic narrative environment. In addition, they had the advice of Barbie DiRocco to enrich the trans perspective in the development of the project. Highlander He emphasized: “We were fortunate to have people present who were part of Cris’s life. For me, it was essential to approach them and show them the respect we had for Cris.”. This connection helped cultivate an environment of respect and authenticity on set, reflecting the lives of I look with precision and sensitivity.

Filming the series was an emotional experience for both the crew and the cast. Highlander He highlighted the connection and respect towards the figure of Miró throughout the production. “The figure of Cris appeals to the empathy and freedom that we all carry within us.”“said the actress. The series seeks to faithfully reflect Miró’s life, allowing her legacy in the fight for visibility and acceptance to continue inspiring future generations.

Katja Alemann plays Cris Miró’s mother. (Credit: TNT)

flow broadcast the series on Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay since June 24. The production of EO Media and Nativa Contents pays tribute to Cris Miró, portraying his life and the fight for acceptance of the trans community in the 90s, underlining his pioneering role and his impact on the cultural transformation of the country.

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