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Sofía Herrera’s mother spoke about the resemblance between her daughter and Carlos Pérez’s daughter and one piece of information signed her verdict: “Won’t it be?”

Sofía Herrera’s mother, María Elena Delgadospoke with Eduardo Feinmann on Radio Miter in the midst of the search for Loan Danilo Peña and He pointed out that it would not be his daughter because the ages do not match.

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The host of “Someone has to say it” asked him if he saw the resemblance between his daughter who disappeared in 2008 and the daughter of Carlos Pérez, in fact, on social networks many asked: “Isn’t it her?”

However, she expressed: “I saw the photos, I saw it again yesterday. The woman says she is 14 years old, if she is that age she could never be my daughter. And I saw her and I don’t find her very similar to my daughter.”

Sofía Herrera’s mother spoke about the resemblance between her daughter and Carlos Pérez’s daughter and one piece of information signed her verdict: “Won’t it be?”

And then he added: “They sent me 400 unopened messages about that photo, but no. The woman says she is 14 years old and “She is much whiter-skinned than my daughter.”

Regarding the Loan case, Sofía Herrera’s mother pointed out the search area: “I was just hearing about the border. I passed twice. Once in Formosa with a boat to Uruguay, without doing any type of documentation, and then also in Bolivia.”

He then gave details of his travels: “As the car belonged to the provincial government, no procedure was carried out. It passed directly. I did this looking for Sofía. It’s like legal, it’s totally normal.”

Sofía Herrera’s mother compared her daughter’s case to that of the Loan

María Elena Delgado explained about the two cases: “Neither of the two cases is known why they took him away, what the reason is. In the case of my daughter, we are like the first day. A lot of work was done, The file is gigantic, but there is not a single piece of information that tells us where Sofi may be.”

Additionally, he revealed what he thinks about where his daughter is today: “I believe it could have been an illegal adoption because nothing of my daughter was ever found where they searched for her, in the entire area. Furthermore, here in Argentina and Chile it is very difficult to reach an adoption. As we already know, many years of paperwork, people who did not meet the requirements. “Everything happens.”

At one point, Eduardo Feinmann asked him how he was going to move forward and Sofía Herrera’s mother stated with fortitude: “Hoping to find her. Plus, I was pregnant and had another daughter who kept me going. My daughter is the same age as Sofi who disappeared, she is 15 years old. Today she would be 19 and she disappeared when she was 3 years old.”

Finally, he stated about his daughter: “For me, it is alive. She has another identity. Maybe he doesn’t even know what Sofía Herrera is. “I was in Chile last year and no one knows that there is a search for Sofía Herrera.”

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