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Nicole Neumann responded to criticism for putting on makeup at the clinic after giving birth

He then told why he made that decision and expanded: “We were talking to my makeup artist friend, Luli de la Vega, that I always saw everyone coming out of the clinics looking splendid, with their hair and makeup; and I never spent my daughters’ discharge like this. One day she told me ‘hey, I want to go meet Cruz’. So I told him ‘come on, come and bring some things and we’ll do what we always said: leave the clinic beautifully.’

Nicole Neumann and her makeup artist

“A close friend who came to meet the baby and while we were there, she fixed me up a little, I had fun after being locked up for three days. Obviously my belly is swollen, my scar hurts and all that, but am I going to show that? No, they are intimacies of me and my husband and my baby in the worst case scenario. And I show what I want”, he continued.

Finally, he pointed out again against the haters and declared: “It catches my attention a lot, the desire to criticize someone you don’t know, who you don’t know the inside of, who you don’t know what it was like behind… You have no idea about anything, I mean. And if I don’t seem real to you or you don’t like my reality, don’t follow me.”

“I was just half bored, Cruz is sleeping and I said let’s talk about it, but that’s it, that was enough. I’m leaving for today, I’m going to continue being happy, taking care of my baby and this beautiful family. Be happy, watch a “Little about your lives and judge less what you have no idea about.” he concluded.

Yanina Latorre defended Nicole Neumann after criticism for wearing makeup after becoming a mother: “Why…”

The panelist Yanina Latorre He defended the model this Monday Nicole Neumann after the criticism she received for her post-cesarean makeup video.

In her El Observador radio program, the blonde gave her opinion on the controversy that the video generated on the networks: “She’s divine, she has the luxury of having a child, putting on makeup and being a bomb in the clinic. Why can’t a girl give birth and be pretty the next day and put on makeup? Anything goes.”

“If you want to take photos with a washed-out face, it is valid. “You can show your breast with makeup,” she said and added: “A lot of people from the middle and who are not from the middle said: ‘this girl romanticizes motherhood’, ‘because of them there are so many problems.’ No, “It’s Nicole Neumann, she lives off her image, she’s a model.”

In addition, the host spoke about her experience when she gave birth to her children: “When you have babies, the first few days you feel a little disgusting, you are tired, you don’t sleep and having someone come to do your makeup and hair is appreciated, it pays. Why do they have to criticize you so much because you took a photo or you put on makeup or you lit up?”

“You don’t know what they hit her on the networks, journalists also told her ‘this is not a real mother’”Yanina told her companions and immediately remarked: “First, she is not showing a hegemonic body because she is seen with her breasts swollen from breastfeeding and she is showing a made-up face, with very good lighting, in the context that she is making a cover.”

Finally, the host asked herself: “Why does the common woman believe that when you are a bagayo you do everything much better than when you try to fix yourself?”

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