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Surprise at what was learned about Palito Ortega and Evangelina Salazar: “Jey Mammón”

Palito Ortega It is a symbol of the music in Argentina and in this 2024 it is in a very special moment, since it is with a series of recitals until the end of the year within the framework of its definitive retirement from the stage. In these last hours, There was news about him and his wife Evangelina Salazar that has nothing to do with his artistic activity and includes Jey Mammón.

The news of Palito Ortega in the environment of the culture aroused many emotions for his tour in Argentina and different countries of Latin America before leaving the music. In this context, The 83-year-old experienced artist was in the spotlight on television due to Marina Calabro’s revelation on Jorge Lanata’s program.

The entertainment journalist assured that Jey Mammón returns to television and his first guest will be Palito Ortega himself along with his wife Evangelina Salazar, the renowned actress who is 78 years old.. “Someone linked to production told me that they are sold outthey only have two PNT left to sell and they are practically closing the gap. sold out“Marina said.

The driver, who was away from the media after the public complaint of sexual abuse by Lucas Benvenuto, has everything agreed to reach Net TV and the debut would be on Wednesday, July 10 with a program that would run from 6 to 7 p.m. “What Gustavo Sofovich told me is: ‘Against your prediction, I am sold, we have very little left to sell and I have a huge list of celebrities committed to the interview,'” said Calabró.

Beto Casella was encouraged and said what many think of Jey Mammón: “It’s what I believe”

The reappearance of Jey Mammón on Juana Viale’s program caused a stir in the media and on social networks, where the controversial situation of the driver accused by Lucas Benvenuto of sexual abuse was debated again, in a case that ended up being barred by Justice during 2021. Beto Casella was one of the television figures who raised his voice and gave a spicy reflection: “You can’t be offended.”

In the air of Blessed TV (The Nine)Beto Casella gave his opinion on Jey Mammón’s encounter with journalist Valeria Sampedro on Juana Viale’s lunch program and it was decisive: “The topic was serious enough that he does not have to get tired of explaining until the topic is exhausted, and tomorrow he can walk calmly through all the television programs. This is what I believe.”

“What happens is that the ordinary courts, of Justice, have a date, but the popular court, which is that of public opinion, does not have a date, it expires when it is no longer of interest. And Jey, no matter how bad he feels, wherever he goes he is going to have to make his defense, if he has something technical to say he will do it, but he can’t be offended, it seems to me,” Beto attacked, showing his firm stance.

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