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The German press reveals the talent of Princess Leonor with which she surpasses all other royals

“LEleanor from Spain is not only beautiful but also educated. When it comes to talking about his talent, he leaves the other members of royalty behind,” they begin by saying from the german press about the future Queen of our country. And it is not surprising that the international media praises the daughter of Felipe VI and Letizia when it comes to talking about her education, her way of being prudent but at the same time youthful, her style and her good work. .

Committed to her work in the Royal House and in full military training (she has already finished at the Zaragoza Military Academy and on August 30 she will begin her second year at the Marín Military Naval School, in Pontevedra), the princess of Asturias also has time to have fun like any woman of his age. But without any doubt It is his attitude towards the Crown which draws a lot of attention from the international media, who are left speechless by his great “talents”.

From ‘’ they applaud the princess’s style but they also point out that the daughter of the Kings of Spain has demonstrated his intellect and ingenuity recently in celebration events of the tenth anniversary of his father’s proclamation. In fact, they emphasize the nice detail that he had with her sister Sofía with that little speech that made the monarch cry. “He chose his native language, Spanish, although he could have pronounced his words in many other languages,” they say in the aforementioned media, making it clear that our heir to the throne is an expert polyglot.

Leonor’s true talent

From the German press they affirm that Leonor’s true talent is something that many people do not know: “The future Queen of Spain He surpasses all other royals in vocabulary. He speaks eight languages ​​and occupies first place in the learning platform ranking Preply. Besides Spanishthis educated 18-year-old speaks the three regional languages ​​of her country: Catalan, Galician and Basque. It is also perfectly expressed English fluently. But not only that, alsoHe is learning Mandarin, French and Arabic.. In short: he loves languages ​​more than anything,” they comment. Without a doubt, a skill with languages ​​that would be Tamara Falcó’s golden button in her new stage as a ‘Got Talent Spain’ jury.

In the aforementioned medium they also explain that this quality and effort to learn other languages ​​is something in which they put a lot of effort because they know very good that one day it will be very useful to you. “Leonor from Spain is already meeting important people from all over the world. And in her role as Queen she will one day have an advantage by fluently and confidently mastering so many languages,” they say about the daughter of Felipe and Letizia, first at the head of a ranking in which she is followed by Queen Silvia, who speaks a total Of 6.

The international press also says that Leonor may be the hope that saves the monarchy in a totally divided country. “Her entry is the future of the institution,” she explained from ‘Vogue’. In fact, In this medium they even compare it with the Prince William and Kate Middleton, who also helped boost the popularity of British royalty. “It seems that the Princess of Asturias has the potential to stabilize her own family from her scandal-ridden past. She is, it is safe to say, a queen in the making,” she added.

But not only that, other media have also said that Leonor will achieve a great milestone in the recent history of our country when she is crowned Queen. And if the now princess ascended to the throne (after the abdication or death of the current Head of State, her father) she would be the first regent monarch (by birth) from his great-great-grandfather Alfonso XIII’s grandmother, Isabel II, who ruled Spain from 1833-1868. Yes indeed, Always keeping in mind that Felipe VI and Letizia are not going to have any more children., since if she had a male, her right to the throne would pass to him according to the inheritance laws of our country that favor sons over daughters. That, or a quick change in the Constitution so that everything would stay the same.

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