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Emily Andrews, expert on the British Royal Family, reveals Kate Middleton’s intentions

For many months there had been talk of the reappearance of Kate Middleton (42 years old). After confirming that she suffers from cancer and that she was receiving chemotherapy treatment, the news about her evolution has been scarce. Therefore, her presence at ‘Trooping the colour’ put an end to many speculations. Now the British press has set its sights on his next comeback, which could be closer than it seems according to different experts.

Rumors about the true state of health of Prince William’s wife (42 years old) have not ceased during these months. Furthermore, she coincided in time with the cancer diagnosis of King Charles III (75 years old). However, the evolution has been very different, since Queen Camilla’s husband (76 years old) resumed some of its institutional acts in the middle of his oncological treatment after having the relevant medical recommendations to return to the public sphere.

The British press points out what Kate Middleton’s new appearance could be

The Princess of Wales asked for respect and privacy in her fight against the disease. She also expressed that, like every cancer patient, she has good days and bad days. That is why they do not want to commit to establishing any official date. In fact, in the famous parade that commemorated the English monarch’s birthday it had not been confirmed his presence on the balcony of Buckingham Palacealthough many English media took it for granted.

After this appearance, the British press has returned to the fray. The English newspaper ‘The Mirror’ has echoed an interview that a royal expert conducted with ‘Grazie’ magazine. In it Emily Andrews points out that we would be closer to seeing the Princess of Wales again than we think. The next event she was planning to attend would be the Wimbledon tennis tournamenta very special event for her that takes place between the end of June and the beginning of July.

“His treatment is ongoing and will be for the next few months, but I understand that would like to visit the Wimbledon tennis tournament if you feel up to it,” declared the expert on the British Royal Family to the aforementioned publication. However, she highlights that Kate is a sponsor of this important sports tournament that brings together the best tennis players from around the world in the United Kingdom.

The importance of family for Kate Middleton in her recovery

With an eye on next month for a possible reappearance of the future queen of the United Kingdom, the royal expert did not want to miss the opportunity to also explain the importance of your family in this entire process of treatment against the disease. In his statement he made it clear that the fact that he had not revealed the information before was fundamentally due to his protective nature so that his children could see that his mother was fine despite everything.

In any case, the royal expert considers that Middleton is very interested in being an active part of her three children’s last days of school, whether at picnics or in the different school events that take place. According to the British media, a source even confirmed to Emily that its “absolute priority” was to spend as much time with his family, as he has been doing since he received his diagnosis.

Furthermore, he affirms that his children are the “main driving force to stay strong and move forward” throughout this process and in the midst of treatment. “The three children and Guillermo have been your only focus and they are your absolute world”, they report from the aforementioned English media. However, these statements do not come as a surprise, since Kate’s concern about all the weight that her husband has gained has been more than evident, especially in relation to her children and the British Crown.

Furthermore, the Princess of Wales has the next summer holidays in mind, since when her children finish their school year, the family is expected to go to his refuge in Amner Hall, in the town of Norfolk. In fact, it has been shown that this place is, to say the least, special for them. In the famous image they shared on the occasion of Father’s Day, Guillermo and his children were on one of the local beaches, choosing said unpublished photograph for such a special day and aware that he was going to travel the world because of everything it meant for him. the British Royal House. Finally, Kate knows that spending time with her family isolated from all her royal duties will undoubtedly be a great boost of energy to be able to face the new challenges that lie ahead.

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