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Carmen Barbieri was called to replace Costa in “Legally Blonde” but she still did not accept: the reason that made her hesitate

Written in SHOWS he 6/27/2024 · 08:58 am

Costa’s departure from “Legally Blonde” brought with it a wave of rumors and conflicting versions. Although she said she quit “due to exhaustion” since she had a lot of work and slept very little, the cast claims she was fired because of her “permanent mistreatment” of colleagues and producers.

And in the midst of that rather confusing back and forth, it was learned that Carmen Barbieri had been chosen to fill the vacant place in the work. The problem is that the host of “Mañanísima”, for now, did not accept it: “The truth is that I don’t know how it was leaked because Laura called me when the program ended, she told me not to say anything and I didn’t. I don’t know. I didn’t even tell my son, he found out from you,” he told the LAM reporter.

After Costa’s departure from Legally Blonde, Carmen was chosen…

Then he explained what the call had been like: “Laurita called me, she asked me if I was aware of what was happening, of Costita’s departure. I told her yes, I love her very much. She told me that they wanted to talk to me, that I should replace her.”

But what no one expected was that Carmen, a woman of the theater and lover of musicals, would have qualms about accepting: “When I asked when I had to go, they told me ‘yesterday’. The thing is that I have two shows, I have commitments, shows in the interior of the country… I have to think about it. I asked them to wait for me.”

The proposal comes to Carmen at a time of great work since in addition to hosting “Mañanísima” from Monday to Friday, she records “Los 8Steps” several times a week and also tours the interior of the country with a show. This is why she has very little free time left to prepare for her role in the musical and also implement the routine that a work of that magnitude requires.

Do you think he will accept?

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