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Unpublished images of Princess Leonor come to light

Since Princess Leonor (18 years old) came of age, she has established herself as one of the great protagonists of the Spanish Royal House. Her presence at different institutional events and her military training are leading her to make big headlines. However, she also does it because of her private plans that are coming to light, something unusual for members of the royal family. Therefore, the following question arises: Is a breach in the security of the Zarzuela Palace or is it part of a designed strategy?

The daughter of Queen Letizia (51 years old) has become a great attraction for the international press. Furthermore, everyone agrees in pointing out her fundamental role in relation to the Spanish monarchy and everything she is doing to bring it closer to the youngest members of society. On the other hand, there is also talk of the step forward that she has taken with regarding other heirs of European Crownsin addition to praising the stylistic taste with which she surprises in each appearance, inherited from her mother who has established herself as a fashion reference.

Gap in the security of Zarzuela regarding Princess Leonor

Since very remote times, the private plans of the different members of the Spanish royalty do not usually transcend. On some occasions, both written and television media have been aware of it and have brought it to light, but always some time later. However, for some time now it seems that the tables have turned and we are facing an unusual situation that has not occurred before.

With the prominence that the Princess of Asturias is acquiring, a new plan appears. Infanta Sofía’s sister (17 years old) began her military career last August, a course that she has just completed and that has brought her a lot of personal wealth in addition to knowledge about the Army. In fact, one of the aspects that has drawn the most attention is the good relationship with colleagues from the General Military Academy of Zaragoza.


During these months it has been common to see her in different places in the capital city to enjoy time with her colleagues. In addition, we must remember that she even threw him a surprise party for her birthday. Added to this is that she recently participated in a meeting with her friends at the Jaca festivities before ending this intense course and returning home to enjoy your vacations until his next incorporation to the Naval Military School of Marín, in Pontevedra.

In addition to the leak of these images, there have also been leaks on other occasions. The daughter of King Felipe VI (56 years old) was leaving what had been her home during this school year. She did it loaded with suitcases and dressed quite informally, as they point out after the leak of said images. Therefore, it is a completely changing attitude in relation to what has happened for many years, in which the Palacio de la Zarzuela was in charge of protecting its members and ensuring that these types of images did not transcend into the public sphere.

Zarzuela’s possible new strategy with Princess Leonor

In this way, we would once again be faced with a possible change of strategy in this area. A few months ago a real remodeling of everything related to the Spanish monarchs was carried out. It was decided to leave aside the image of seriousness and sobriety that characterized the appearances of the Kings of Spain. Therefore, we began to see them in much more relaxed attitudes and even with different gestures of love between the couple.

This twist in the script coincided in time with Leonor’s increasingly determining presence in terms of institutional scenes. This is the main reason that has led her to think that she could be part of this new strategy with which to bring the Spanish monarchy closer to the most youthful society, in addition to consolidating the support of the vast majority of citizens of our country for everything it implies.

In any case, Queen Sofia’s granddaughter has different events in the coming months in which she will finish confirming what much of the world already claims. His charisma, his presence, his security and his knowing how to be They are her hallmark and in each appearance she shows that she can be a worthy successor to the Spanish Crown. In addition to her training, she also has the help of her parents who have helped her gain this freedom that is so praised both in our country and outside our borders.

On the other hand, Princess Leonor will not only have time to attend official events this summer. She can also take a few days of vacation, which would even be with his own classmates from the Academy before embarking on his new military career. But we will also have to wait to find out if she will be in Mallorca for a few days with her family or if she chooses to disappear from this type of family plans, even if this means not spending time with her little sister with whom she is so close and her parents.

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