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Pamela Díaz showed vacations in the Caribbean with daughter and Endler

Pamela Díaz compartió imágenes de sus vacaciones en el Caribe, viaje que incluyó a su hija Pascuala, Tiane Endler y a su esposa Sofía Orosco, entre otras personas.

Los registros los compartió en su cuenta de Instagram, donde “La Fiera” suma más de 3 millones de seguidores.

El “viaje de chicas” de Pamela Díaz a México

As you can see in Pamela’s pictures, it was a “girls trip” to Carmen beachMexico.

In Díaz’s post, the new Channel 13 entertainer participated in entertaining activities with her daughter and friends.

Some of them were canopy, where he jumped with Pascuala; and the visit to some caverns and caves, where they were able to swim.

“We went on a trip, people, on vacation. To enjoy with my Easter and friends”wrote Pamela

The publication adds more than 30 thousand ‘Likes’ and was celebrated by his followers.

“You are the best as a mom, congratulations”; “how cool”, “have a great vacation”, “I love it”, “beautiful and entertaining trip”were some of the messages he received.

Tiane, for her part, also shared some postcards from her trip to Mexico, which not only had Playa del Carmen as its destination, but also Cancun.

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