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Jordi Martin will sue Piqué and Clara Chía: “They want to see me in prison”

Jordi Martinthe Spanish reporter recognized for exposing Piqué’s infidelity to Shakira, is in international news after a judge in Barcelona sentenced him to a year in prison
for the crimes of harassment and psychological injuries to Clara Chíacurrent girlfriend of the former footballer.

>>> Read also: Clara Chía blames Shakira for losing her lawsuit against Jordi Martin: what did Piqué do?

In an interview with the entertainment program I know everythingThe Spanish paparazzi has made known his opinions on the case, the actions he will take and the reason why he believes this happened, after the Prosecutor’s Office in Spain dismissed Clara Chía’s claims against him.

Jordi Martin claims that Gerard Piqué manipulated justice

“I want them to know the ties that Piqué has with the Catalan justice system. Piqué’s lawyer is a former judge, you can imagine the friendships that are built between them. “Rarely does the judge contradict the Prosecutor’s Office.”the journalist noted.

For Jordi Martin it is clear that the judge who sentenced him has a relationship with Gerard Piqué and made his decision in accordance with that friendship and not with the evidence of the case: “Piqué has many influences and here there has been influence peddling (… ) Clara Chía is a bad person and wants to see me in prison”.

Jordi Martin will appeal the sentence against him and sue Piqué and Clara Chía

The reporter said that the sentence is not yet final, but that You can appeal the judge’s rulingHowever, as he does not trust the Barcelona justice system due to Piqué’s influence, he will take the case to Madrid.

“I’m going to appeal in the Madrid court, where Piqué has no influence. I’m sure I’m not going to go to jail”he said, saying he has high hopes that he will be acquitted of all charges in that court.

Furthermore, he revealed that while appealing the judge’s sentence, will initiate a case against Piqué and Clara Chía for “revealing secrets” and added that “I will ask for four years in prison for each one”.

What does Shakira have to do with this case?

Jordi Martin highlighted that something that especially caught his attention is that in the sentence against him, the judge mentioned Shakira. This, according to the paparazzi, shows that this is a personal affront against him.

“Have we gone crazy? The judge says in the sentence, which was written in three days, that I have been a close person to Shakira and That because I provided information to Shakira, Shakira’s fans have attacked Clara Chía and that has caused her to become depressed.“, revealed.

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