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Eduardo Costantini’s striking request to Elina when he found out about the pregnancy

In the last hours, a few days after Elina and Eduardo Costantini announced that they are expecting their first child together, important information emerged: the request that the businessman made to his partner when they found out about the pregnancy. “I spoke with Eduardo a while ago and he is very happy with the news. ‘I’m so happy, I can’t give you any more comments. Thank you,’” said journalist Juan Etchegoyen.

In addition, “there is a list of possible names for that baby that is on the way. It’s a pretty long list of exactly twelve names. They tell me that Eduardo told Elina that he wants to choose the name and that she already told him no because he has 7 children and she has none.”.

“Eduardo has already made it clear to Elina that The first time his diaper needs to be changed, he wants to do it himself.“, added the journalist. In this way he explained what the desire of the businessman is, who will become a father again in the next few months, at 77 years old.

The image with which Eduardo and Elina Costantini announced that they will have a baby / Source: Instagram

Eduardo Costantini’s striking request to Elina when he found out about her pregnancy. Video: Radio Mitre

Elina spoke about Eduardo Costantini’s reaction to her pregnancy

After announcing that she is pregnant, Elina Costantini spoke to the press and She told us how Eduardo Costantini is with the news. She also told us how he is living this new stage in his life and how they are preparing for the arrival of their first child together. “We are very happy, very excited, the truth is that it was a super big dream, many years ago. And well, God, thank God, he gave us this miracle.” this year so We are really very excited, very happy with this miracle. beautiful of creation,” he told Teleshow.

Furthermore, the future first-time mother said that “I have had symptoms for a long time, but I am very happy, preparing for the arrival of this first child. I’m already preparing the room, everything. It is missing, but time passes very quickly.”

It’s my first child and for Eduardo it’s almost the same because he had gotten out of the habit He, regarding the subject of children, had his last child so many years ago, so it is like experiencing it as if it were the first time,” he explained.

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