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Liz Solari’s impressive trip through southern Argentina: whale watching and swimming with sea lions

Liz Solari swam with sea lions (Video: Instagram)

As part of his birthday celebrations, Liz Solari He lived a unique experience when taking different excursions through the South of the country. “In our beloved Argentina”, as she herself highlighted, was the ideal setting to celebrate a new anniversary of her life. For the occasion she had the company of her partner, the environmentalist Maximo Mazzocco, and two of her friends.

“Swimming with free sea lions, in their habitats, is an experience that changed something in me. I want to share with you images of this unique adventureextraordinary and divine. I am deeply moved, grateful and uplifted,” she began her story on her Instagram account, where she has almost 1.5 million followers and shared some of the moments she experienced.

Regarding the moment and the company, he clarified: “As a birthday gift I got to know Puerto Madryn, Chubut, in our beloved Argentina with the help of beings that I love”, and then explain the place where it was located and what makes it exceptional: “It is a protected wild reservoir with marine fauna unique in the world. It is an activity that is carried out responsibly, where we swim in the sea and the wolves that want come approach.”

“Fresh from the sea, surrounded by the purest energy, by beings who only know goodness, I claim the role that we must collectively assume as protectors of our brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom.“, she reflected after the experience, and also remained firm in her petition: “It is time to end the captivity of animals!”

At that point, one of the model’s followers asked if it was really allowed to do so, since “when I went years ago they didn’t let you get in the water so as not to disturb the animals.” To this, Liz clarified: “Yes, it is allowed. And you don’t disturb them. You swim and those who want to come to you. They are the ones who watch the show, it seems.”

Liz Solari in Puerto Madryn (Video: Instagram)

The next activity was equally or even more impressive, since Puerto Madryn offers a unique whale watching experience in Pyramids Portan activity that attracts visitors from all over the world. This region is chosen by these majestic marine mammals, making it a key destination for those interested in nature and wildlife.

“He whale watching embarked in Puerto Pirámides is without a doubt something unmatched, something we should all experience if we can. These sentient, peaceful and magnificent beings choose this place from all over the world to come to have their babies. “That’s how special it is,” she marveled at what she was experiencing.

It is worth remembering that the whales choose the protected waters of Puerto Pirámides to give birth and raise their babies, which guarantees an amazing and educational display for observers who take the boat tour from the port. This activity stood out for the possibility of closely observing these animals in their natural environment, which provides an enriching and memorable experience for those who have the opportunity to participate. At the end of his story, Solari highlighted: “Total thanks! Argentina, you are immense, you never cease to surprise me”.

Liz Solari turned 41 on June 18

Liz made the trip together with her partner, Máximo Mazzocco, who decided to set up an NGO called Eco House Global with the aim of “putting the environment at the top of the political, public and private agenda and connecting as many people as possible around sustainability.” With more than fifteen years working in socio-environmental actions, He openly declared himself a pangeist in a conversation with Infobae: “For the first time I have found a definition of myself that contains almost everything I would like to say to someone in a few words.”

Pangea is a word that carries about 300 million years of history, an era in which there existed a single continent, a single earth (pan: all; gea: earth). The movements of the tectonic plates had caused the fragmentation of Pangea into the current continents. In 2012, the magazine Nature published a study prepared by three scientists who predicted, using geological models, the formation of a new supercontinent (a new Pangea) based on current tectonic movements – a process that would take another million years.

Pangeism, then, presents itself as a new philosophical current that rooted its foundations in the conceptual unity of Pangeahaving as its axis the peaceful sustainability of the human being on Earth. It was born silently in Argentina, it grows in Latin America and has already entered Europe: “It is a response to today’s world, in the face of the ecological, climatic, social, economic, political, health, emotional, ethical, existential crisis. It is born from the lack of a foundation: if the base is constantly moving by the law of change, We need a safe place to stand”he explained.

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