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Gorka announces his new job, away from television, after ‘Survivors 2024’

With ‘Survivors All Stars’ already started (this Thursday, June 27, we will know if Adara Molinero or Olga Moreno return to Spain without second chances), the former contestants of this year’s reality show have already begun to do their normal daily lives while they rejoin the monotony. Pedro García Aguado; winner of the 2024 edition, is rested, Marieta has confessed to her health problems and Gorka said he starts a new job next week.

Away from television, who was a participant in ‘The Hunter’, has announced on his social networks that next Monday he will begin his new work adventure that has nothing to do with any type of format. Making it clear on his Instagram profile that “try to motivate people“, the sports coach wants that “reach your best version“. How? What can the survivor do for you? What is that new project?

“What’s up great team, how are you? I’m recovering from all this madness and little by little I’m going to start with online consultations earlier than expected.. On Monday I am going to put the link to my website, where you will be able to see the information, what my advice is like and what the vibe is like. I will put the link on Instagram, in the profile,” he began by saying on his social networks about his new online business. An opportunity that will change his life because for years he has been from job to job, the last one for example in a paper factory. “I’m on leave and I’m going to focus on training“he assured.

But not only that, after talking about this work that starts earlier than expected, Gorka has been honest about how he feels after his Honduran adventure: “This has all been a mess and I’m recovering.I’m starting, resting, doing cardio and a little bit of sport. I’m already starting to get and feel strong.“.

Gorka’s ‘forced’ landing

Upon his arrival from Honduras, Gorka also wanted to do a live interview with all his fans to clarify their doubts. Thanking everyone for the support he has received during these months, the Basque assured that his hair is so blonde from fishing so much. How has the return to routine been? “It’s costing me a lot. After arriving home from Madrid, I found my car battery dead, my motorbike battery dead, my bike flat, my tax return to do, family meals… I still haven’t been with my friends, I’m meeting up tomorrow to have some sandwiches… The landing was hard because I spent 3 months on an island with nothing and now I pick up my phone and have hundreds of messages…“explained the former survivor, making it clear that even making the purchase is costing him because people stop him a lot. “Now it’s my turn to stand up and speak,” he said.

Gorka opens up about ‘Survivors 2024’.

Instagram @gorka_workout

Gorka also spoke about whether ‘El conquistador’ or ‘Supervivientes’ are harder, the two extreme television experiences in which he has dared to participate.El conquistador’ is more extreme but it’s only one month. It’s a sprint. The first week goes by quickly because you are motivated and you are strong in nothing and you are already in the final. It goes by faster. ‘Survivor’s is very long, psychologically it is a killer because in a month you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. New people arrived and it became very difficult.. From the second one onwards you are already very tired and people kept coming and that meant that it wasn’t over yet. That wears you down because it’s also much more of a reality show, there are more discussions and arguments. If you’re not very into that, it becomes complicated,” he confessed.

Making it clear that His favorites for ‘All Star’ are Jorge, Logan and Lola, Gorka He has confessed that he doesn’t care about not having won because he feels the love of everyone and that is what truly matters to him. In fact, the Basque has assured that he does not care if they do not call him again from television because he is a hard worker and he will work whatever is necessary. “Everything that happens is because it has to happen, life surely brings me better things. I am very humble. Reaching fifth place is winning, but everything has been thanks to the people, I could have gone the first week,” he said. saying. Of course, he is clear that he would not mind going to another program or reality show: “I have to value everything that gives me money… I just listen to proposals.“.

About bedtime, Because he has slept on the mat and the sand for months, he says that he has been able to do it perfectly on the mattress but the contestant has revealed that he had a hernia that stopped hurting there and that now when he returned to Spain it has returned. “I have started swimming to help things get better, but I need to see an orthopedist. I almost prefer to sleep on the floor so that it doesn’t hurt,” he added.

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