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Beto Casella revealed the unusual way he managed to pay for his first home

Written in TELEVISION he 6/27/2024 · 10:02 a.m.

True to his rebellious and fun style, Beto Casella He was encouraged to tell what it was the unconventional way he managed to raise the money to buy his first house.

Beto, you have written plays and you have also written books. One of them is Jokes of Galicians, Jews, Argentines and Italians“, he reminded her Sebastian Wainraich in Perfect night (El Trece).

“At that time, the publishing house Planeta was making a splash with jokes about Galicians and there was a journalist who called himself Pepe Muleiro. It was a sales record. Sudamericana, which was the competition, had stayed a bit with this issue. And Luis Majul, who was an advisor and worked with me at Somos magazine, asked me to write the book.“, he recalled Casella.

I was kind of the official joke teller in the editorial office. Then Majul said to me: ‘Betito, don’t you dare to make a joke book for Sudamericana?’ He told me I had a month. At that time, there was no Google, it was 1994. I would ask people for jokes and write them down. It was the best-selling book of that year.“, he added.

Is it true that you bought an apartment with those books?“, He wanted to know Wainraich. Finally, completing the anecdote, Casella hill: “Yes, with that little book I bought the PH in Haedo“.

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