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your career with salaries of €52,000 and 100% employment

Juan Carlos Avila (Madrid, 2001) graduated last Saturday, 8 of June. Two days later, the Monday 10thI already had a permanent job related to your career. She didn’t have to wait 48 hours to access the labor market in a job in which a junior can earn between 21,000 and 27,000 euros per year and, a senior, up to 52,000 euros. “And not only that, during the last year of my degree I received up to four offers of work. I rejected three because I wanted to finish my studies well, but at the quarter I already accepted,” explains the young man in conversation with EL ESPAÑOL.

This University student from Madrid He hadn’t even finished his degree and he was already being raffled off, just like the rest of the students who graduate from the Degree in Engineering Software. In your case, Juan Carlos Avila He studied at the University Center for Technology and Digital Art (U-tad), but it is a degree that is also taught at other universities, both public and private. “And although it may seem very difficult, the truth is that you start from scratch and you don’t need to have many computer skillss”, says the recent graduate.

In fact, he himself admits that although he always liked the computers and video games, he was never a person who especially stood out using them. Until she got the bug. “My family has always been dedicated to technology sectorbut it was during the pandemic that everything changed: I saw my father teleworking and I saw that he was dedicated to dealing with clients to give them solutions using technologies. I found it very curious and that motivated me to choose my career, because helping clients through IT caught my attention,” he says. Juan Carlos Avila.

Juan Carlos Ávila, ‘Software’ engineer graduated on June 8.


His father, also called Juan Carlos Avilaworks in a consulting firm and is in charge of offering services using the big dataa fact that also inspired the young man from Madrid when choosing what to specialize in. At least in the U-tad, as of third year of Engineering Softwarethey offer students three types of mentions – a kind of specializations – in cybersecurity, data engineering and graphic programmingThe young man chose data engineering, following in his father’s footsteps, but if he had chosen any other path he would not have had problems finding work because he is a sector with 100% employability.

Question: Juan Carlos, please explain in a simple way what the Engineering degree consists of. Software?

Answer.- A computer is made up of two things: the hardware and the software. And I always say that, in a simile with the human body, they are equivalent to the body and the brain. Well, I am dedicated to teaching the softwareto the brain of the computer, to apply logical solutions to problems. To make the computer perform logical executions based on what we ask of it. That’s what my career is about, in short.

From child to engineer

Despite everything, and as had been anticipated, Juan Carlos Avila I had never developed a special interest in computingAs a child, he attended Primary in Valdepeñas de Jaén to finish his studies first, in the Sorolla High School in Pozueloand then, in the SEI Antavilla School of Villanueva del Pardillo. “So, my favorite subjects were Biology, Physics and Chemistry and History. I also liked the Math, although it was not my strong point. But I always liked applying logic and mathematics to problems and that is what I do today,” he explains. Juan Carlos.

Beyond the Lego robots that he rode as a child, the recent graduate had not shown a special interest in computing. Or so it counts. She grew up “playing basketball”, a sport that he reached “a semi-professional level”, but the truth is that when the time came Baccalaureate and the time to choose a career, Juan Carlos He was not clear about things. However, as things have progressed, seeing his father working with computers at home caught his attention.

“But I also didn’t have a clear idea of ​​what I wanted to do at a professional level. computer scientist. I even looked Professional Training related to the computingbecause I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do a career either. And, in the end, after doing a lot of research, I found the U-tad with your study plan. I was very attracted to the practical approach they give to the degree, which is oriented towards the world of work. Furthermore, U-tad is close to where I live and that was another incentive,” confesses the engineer.

U-tad students in a class.


As explained Juan Carlos Avilathe practical approach of the U-tad “is based on the fact that the teachers are in the working world and they know what technologies are being used because the world of computing, AI, etc., is constantly evolving.” “For example, there was a teacher who on the first day of a subject told us that he was not going to teach that class because many things had just changed and I had to update the content to teach us the latest”, continues the engineer.

After four years pursuing a career that has cost about 41,000 euros, Juan Carlos Avila has achieved the title of Engineer of the Softwarewhich has opened the way for him to work. He has been hired as permanent “with six months of trial” in the company Stratesys. Be Functional Analyst And, although he has only been here for a short time, the recent graduate says that he feels “very comfortable and prepared.” “I have already seen everything I have to do in my career and in previous internships,” he adds.

Aware of the need to feminize the sector, the engineer vindicates and encourages all boys and girls who have doubts to study this career “because it is the future.” “Also, in their case, I realized, with my classmates, that they have a very interesting vision and provide different solutions to the engineering and I think they should access more women at these degrees,” he says.

Q.– I know you have just started working, but do you have any dreams in terms of your career?

R.– Obviously, one of the leading companies in the sector is Microsoft, because it is a pioneer and I believe it will cover the entire market in the future. It would be a dream for me to work there, but what would motivate me most would be to set up my own company: a consulting firm focused on the deployment of AI, with data analystcustomer solutions, etc.

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