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Greecy: “I would like a collaboration with Shakira, Pablo Alborán or Marc Anthony”

Greecy, (Cali, October 30, 1992) Colombian singer and actress. With more than 20 million followers on social networks, he is at his best, but he wants more. Three dates to ‘tour’ in Spain: Barcelona, ​​Alicante and Madrid. ‘Sometimes with kisses’ is the last song he has presented. Alejandro Sanz chose her for one of her collaborations; she dreams of sharing songs with her compatriot Shakira, with Pablo Alborán or Marc Anthony. Optimistic by nature, he talks to AS about music, life and his concerns.

-How long has it been since you came to Spain?

-I hadn’t been to Spain since I did ‘La Voz España’ with Alejandro Sanz. Three years ago, right at that time I found out I was pregnant. I haven’t been back since then and the last time I sang in Spain was five years ago, which was my first time. shows Here. Going back to singing is super exciting. It’s been a long time and I’ve been here several times, but I haven’t been to Spain to sing for many years.

-And it’s been crazy with the fans…

-Look, my departure from ‘La Resistencia’ was a surprise. Usually, when you travel to a place so far from your country, you are always waiting to see if people remember you. We saw a lot of people outside from the place where the program was recorded. When I saw them, I said: “It must be the audience of the program, the one they invite.” When we got off the car The reception was really super surprising. I was very excited, it’s very nice, not because they recognize you and because of the fame, but because in the end you’re doing a good job and the music is paying off, my career is paying off… So I was super happy with what happened.

-And you don’t only have a Colombian audience… In Spain you have three dates: Madrid, Barcelona and Alicante…

-Completely surprised by the reception. Obviously, we Latinos are spread all over the world, and just as there is a large percentage of Colombians who are here, or Latinos who are here in Spain who recognize me, when someone approaches me with their super Spanish accent, it’s like I say : “Well, well, we are already growing, expanding a little more. We feel the love of the people very close. When you go to a place and feel that people on the street see you and greet you, that is a great measure. We start with Barcelona, ​​on the 5th, Alicante is the 6th and we close with Madrid, and we are going to sing for 5,000 people, which is also a large number to do a show, since it is a country where I am still starting to work, so I am very excited and very happy.

-What did Alejandro Sanz give you with that collaboration you did?

-It was the first opportunity to sing with such a great artist like him, an artist who is so loved here in Spain. To get together with someone from here, I feel that it gives you a boost of credibility in the music industry and with the people. He is a man who has been in the business for more than 30 years, an artist who is so respected, to be given the chance to sing with him, I feel that for me it was a privilege. It was a great boost for me in my country, it was very beautiful news, so I am super grateful. But I have to be fair and the first boost I had with a Spanish artist was with David Bisbal, who was also super nice and generous with me.

“Alejandro Sanz gave me a boost of credibility in the music industry. “It was a privilege.”


-And Steve Aoki has been your last collaboration…

-That’s very strong and it started during the pandemic. We were locked up in our houses and one day I got a message on Instagram. If I speak very little English now, at that time, even less. He wrote to me in English and I said: “Honey, please translate this that Steve Aoki wrote me.” He told me that he wanted some a cappella vocals, that he would really like to collaborate with me, I didn’t have anything to send him, but right around those days we were with some friends at my house locked up, making music, taking advantage of the fact that we couldn’t leave the house and I told them: “Guys, let’s record something now, let’s make a song.” We recorded it, but it cooled off, almost three years went by and last year he wrote to me again. He sent me the option he had. He said: “Look, we’ve worked on this, I want to release it…” My answer was immediately: “Of course.” At the time I was like with the illusion and when it reappeared it was very cool. He is an incredible person, super hardworking, one would imagine that he is kind of crazy, well no, he is super structured, super organized. He is an incredible person, I was very surprised by the character we found. One would imagine that because of the industry and in the musical universe in which he works, which is a party, which is rumba, which are festivals, he would think that he is a person who stays up late, because he does not have a drink, he does not consume anything, he eats extremely good…

“It’s very nice how everyone in the end interprets the music and takes it according to their life”


-And now who would you like to work with?

-Thinking about when I was a child and the type of artist that inspired me at that time, I love Shakira, she is Colombian, she is an artist who, furthermore, I know is loved very much here in Spain. I would love to collaborate with her, whenever I think of romantic songs, I think of Pablo Alborán, I love her voice, I love what she makes of it, I feel that it would be very nice to do something with him. And Marc Anthony, I have mentioned him in many interviews, but it is my dream, I am a salsa lover, I respect that genre a lot and I would love to do it with him.

-Well, I just had a question about Shakira, she has made songs with direct messages fashionable. Her latest song has a very direct message, ‘Sometimes with Kisses’.

-I have two modes when it comes to making music: a flirtatious side, the spicy, which is this song we’re on now and the completely romantic side of it. I love mischief, I like it when music has like that spicy and this song has it. I feel that it is a song that in the end connects with everyone in many ways, in my case I feel that all relationships when they begin in the end are hidden, because one wants to keep it from the world, one wants it to be something private, that not everyone world finds out. I feel that it is a song that has connected with people in many ways. Someone wrote to me: “this song represents how I started with my husband, who I have been with for 8 years.” It’s very nice how everyone in the end interprets the music and takes it according to their life, what they are living.

-They are also very demanding in favor of women. In a society like the Colombian one, they are very well received.

-I have always worked on my songs from a place of strength since I started my musical career. I want to prove to myself that we are more capable than we think. Obviously, I feel that the songs are for everyone. I don’t feel that I write for men or women, but for life, for human beings, but because I am a woman, I receive them the same way I do for women. The people with me have really been very nice. I started my musical career at a time when many women were already building that path, who had been knocking down barriers and doors. It was an easier time for me to enter the industry, to communicate as I wanted and to have that freedom, which I feel is growing every day.

Today all artists have the freedom to play in all genres. When I started making music, I made bachata, ballads, urban, pop, I played with many genres, but in my internal fear, I thought, people are going to say what do I sing. I love what is happening, there is an impressive freedom. There are all kinds of genres for everyone. It’s nice and interesting.

Greece Tour

Remaining dates of the Greeicy-Yeliana World Tour:

– Barcelona, ​​(Spain): July 5
– Alicante, (Spain): July 6
– Madrid, (Spain): July 7
– Santo Domingo, (Dominican Republic): October 11
– San Juan, (Puerto Rico): October 12
– Atlanta, (USA): October 24
– Washington, (USA): October 25
– New York, (USA): October 26
– Miami, (USA): November 1
– Orlando, (USA): November 2
– Tampa, (USA): November 3
– Santa Cruz, (Bolivia): November 15
– Asunción, (Paraguay): November 16
– Montevideo, (Uruguay): November 21
– Buenos Aires, (Argentina): November 22
– Córdoba, (Argentina): November 23
– Caracas, (Venezuela), November 29
– Santiago, (Chile): December 1
– Guatemala, (Guatemala): December 6
– San Salvador (Salvador), December 7

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