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Cande Vetrano’s revealing advice to continue wearing jeans while pregnant

Cande Vetrano He is one of the most beloved figures on television. The actress garners many young fans thanks to her participation in series such as Casi Ángeles and Súper Torpe. Weeks ago, she announced with great joy that she is expecting her first child with Andrés Gil.

In the middle of her pregnancy, Cande said that her pants no longer fit her, but she assured that she is not yet ready to stop wearing jeans. For this reason, she took the opportunity to show off her baby bump with some great advice that she gave to all pregnant women who are going through a similar situation.

I bring you a Candi Tip Mami Mood because Lately they haven’t been closing my pants and I still don’t want to be a tight mom, I’m missing that. Then I found a top that will save your life”Vetrano said looking at the camera.

According to her, all you need is a hair elastic: “You’re going to put it through the hole in your pants, it’ll stay like this and then you just put it through once. There you hook it with the other side and that’s it. Nothing happened here.”. In the video, Cande showed how by passing the hair ponytail through the holes of the jean you can extend her waist.

Cande Vetrano gave surprising advice to continue wearing jeans while pregnant. Video: TikTok Cande Vetrano

This is how you can wear pants during this strange pregnancy season“, he concluded enthusiastically.

Cande Vetrano talked about the sex of her baby

Cande Vetrano is expecting a baby with her partner, Andrés Gil. The actress is four months pregnant, so she already knows the sex of her baby and decided to announce it in a very special way.

During her time in “Rumis”, Cande Vetrano revealed the sex of the baby. “Let’s put it in suspense and then I’ll say it“, began by saying the artist who lent herself to the game of spoon and fork to give mystery to the enigmatic.

Cande Vetrano talked about the sex of her baby. Photo: Instagram

This game consists of taking two chairs and placing a spoon and a fork on each one. Cover the utensils with a cushion and ask the pregnant woman to choose a chair to sit on. If she sits on the chair with the fork, the baby will be a boy and if she sits on the chair with the spoon, it will be a girl. This ritual is well known in Spain and the actress was encouraged to practice it.

Finally Cande sat on the fork and when she discovered it she shouted: “It’s a boy. This confirmation was applauded and celebrated by all those present who celebrated the news with the actress who until now has not revealed what the name of her son will be.

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