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Suri Cruise, between a special tribute to her mother and a kissing walk with her boyfriend in Central Park

High school graduation Suri Cruise revealed that the only daughter that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had in common He no longer uses his father’s last name.with whom she has not had a relationship for many years. The new name chosen by the teenager is a tribute to her mother, who was in charge of raising her.

Upon receiving her diploma, the young woman was named Suri Noelle, using Holmes’ middle name as her last name. “She is showing how proud she is of her mother by using her middle name, Noelle, as her own,” said a person close to the family, who speculates that the reason behind this is that the 18-year-old wants her own identity.” The new name would also help her “avoid paparazzi” and allow her to “start fresh in college,” added the same source.

Suri Cruise, on her graduation day, with her boyfriend

Suri will begin her university life in August at Carnegie Mellon University, located in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The prestigious institution also included Oscar winner Holly Hunter, musician Stephen Schwartz, actress Sutton Foster and Nobel Prize winners such as Peter Hansen Lars and Walter Kohn, among many other talents. The teenager will study dance, following in her parents’ footsteps and opting for the world of art. Carnegie Mellon has a prestigious school of drama, music, dance and design, where not only acting professionals graduate, but also producers, managers, lighting technicians and other disciplines related to the arts.

While Suri used the name Noelle during her graduation from Fiorello H. La Guardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, better known as the “Fame School,” this was not the first time she did so. Late last year, when she played Morticia Addams in the play The Addams Family: A New Musicalat her school, also appeared in the credits as “Suri Noelle”.

So far, it is not known if she legally dropped the Cruise surname or if it is just a kind of stage name that she is starting to implement. The last public photo of Cruise with his daughter dates back to 2013, when they went on a trip to Disneyland together. From that moment on, the bond between Cruise and Suri became distant until it was broken. The estrangement would be due to the fact that the young woman never joined Scientology, the religion that the actor professes and that for many is a sect. Suri stopped seeing her father and grew up in New York, a city where she was always seen accompanied by her mother and enjoying all kinds of activities.

The young couple enjoyed an afternoon in Central Park

A few days after her graduation, Suri was seen in New York’s Central Park with her boyfriend, Toby Cohen. The couple was very fun and affectionate while enjoying a warm afternoon. Toby sported joggers with a Guns N’ Roses t-shirt while Suri wore shorts and a gray t-shirt.

The teenagers met at school and gradually began a relationship. As shown by their social media, Cohen is passionate about music and shares his own versions of different songs on TikTok and YouTube, which he delights his followers with. In his senior year, Cohen also participated in the school recital, where he played the piano and sang. According to the media, the young man will study at the Berklee College of Music, one of the most prestigious music universities in the world, located in Boston.

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