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Nicole Neumann’s sister came out with her spikes against Mica Viciconte

A little upset with the situation, the model said: “If I don’t seem real to you, don’t follow me.” As expected, reporters went looking for Viciconte, who, true to her spicy style, expressed her opinion.

Embed – Gege Neumann came out to support his sister Nicole after criticism for her postpartum makeup

“In my case, I left (the clinic) feeling like a bag of potatoes. I wasn’t thinking about how I looked because the most important thing for me at that moment was my son. I don’t care what they say. I’m not a person who usually dresses up, I’m much more relaxed. Even for the baby, I didn’t wear perfume for six months,” she said on Socios del Espectáculo. It should be remembered that Mica is Cubero’s current partner, with whom Nicole had her other three daughters (Indiana, Allegra and Sienna).

For his part, when he was asked about these statements in Socios, Gege threw in a spicy tone: “I don’t care what she says. I don’t talk about people who are not my family.” Spicy!

Nicole Neumann defended the “cesarean” just days after giving birth to Cruz

Nicole Neumann and Manuel Urcera They are going through one of the most beautiful stages of their lives with the recent birth of their son Cruz after a long wait. The couple prepared everything to give him the best welcome and fans showed all their love through social media, where the model took the opportunity to talk about the method of delivery.

The baby’s new mother shared a message on her official Instagram account talking about the cesarean section, the method by which she gave birth to her recent son. The top model made clear the emotion she is experiencing at this moment, five days after the baby’s arrival.

The driver’s new wife posted a screenshot of a post from an account called “baby on board,” where she left a heartfelt message showing her feelings after the birth of her youngest son.

“Cesarean section mom,” reflects the post that Nicole shared with her millions of followers. “A cold room, a single mother, doctors and nurses talking about breakfast. Admission, probe, anesthesia. “Anxiety overflowed her chest for months to meet her son,” the text continues. “I liked it a lot,” she said.

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Nicole Neumann, Manu Urcera and Cruz

“Anyone willing to undergo this surgery is, without a doubt, a brave woman. For those who believe that the mother who underwent a C-section felt less pain, I invite you to imagine the feeling of a post-surgical mother after a 10-centimeter incision in the skin, and a smaller one in the uterus, cutting eight layers of tissue along the way,” says the post shared by Neumann.

Then, she continues: “After a cesarean section, she generally waits 12 hours to be able to pick up her child for the first time,” expresses the reflection that Nicole uploaded to her networks, after Cruz’s birth at the Clínica Suizo Argentina. She “gets out of bed and feels the pain of someone who donated the body to her son.”

“The Caesarean mother goes home freshly operated on, all stitched up. She wakes up and is in pain. She coughs and is in pain. Still, day and night she cares for the newborn. After it is all over, the Caesarean mother looks at her child and concludes: ‘It was worth it! It was all it took to bring my child into the world,’” the shared text reads.

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