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‘Magaly TV La Firme’: Magaly Medina criticizes Abel Lobatón for calling her daughter Samahara “crazy” and comments on Andrea Montenegro’s radical image change

Magaly Medina He recalled that Jefferson Farfan promised to invite Paco Bazán to his podcast If the television host obtains 100,000 subscribers on his television channel Youtube.

“He started from the day the bet was made at 21,000 subscribers and now he is at 54,700 subscribers and in fact we are going to support Paco to reach 100,000 subscribers. Let’s all ring the bell on Entre Palos TV,” said the ‘Urraca’.

Magaly Medina asks people to subscribe to Paco Bazán’s program so that Jefferson Farfán invites them to his program. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

The former reality guy and former tennis player Duilio Vallebuona was a victim of crime. Thieves broke into the farm where he raised animals and stole between 200 and 300 guinea pigs. The suspects also killed his dog Tanque.

“I am quite distressed. I feel helpless. I am extremely sad, you can’t imagine. I have come to terms with the fact that I am not going to see Tanque. Believe me, it shocks me quite a bit,” he said.

They killed the dog of former reality show Duilio Vallebuona. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

‘Magaly TV La Firme’ consulted Abel Lobaton why he rated his daughter Samahara Lobaton of “crazy” after it was discovered that her ex-partner was abusive towards her.

“Every action has a reaction,” I said. The real story is between them both. What people see, what people say, what people speculate, what people write, are just comments. (…) Of course I have defended her, don’t have the slightest doubt,” he said. Lobaton.

Samahara Lobatón’s sister, Melissa Lobatón, implied that her father, Abel Lobatón, failed her. In this regard, the former soccer player said that he was not present because he worked.

Abel Lobatón said that he called his daughter Samahara Lobatón “crazy” as a joke. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

Laura Spoya She said that she was called several times to be the host of ‘To the Sixth Day‘. They had been contacting her since November 2023, but she kindly declined the offer. In this way, she implied that Yahaira Plasencia It was the second choice of the producers of the Saturday program.

“Yes (I thought about being a driver). I’m going to say an infidelity. In fact, the proposal of ‘To the Sixth Day‘I’ve had it since November. (…) I had already had conversations with JCwho is the producer. It was funny because we had already met several times. The fourth time we met, I was the one who called. We talked about ‘do you still love me?’ and the rest is history,” she said.

He then explained that the day that Yahaira Plasencia announced her departure when Spoya visited the set of ‘Al Sexto Día’, it was the first time he met the salsa singer.

“He did give me things. It made me sad because it is difficult to say goodbye to a program and introduce who is going to replace you at that moment. Yes it was strong,” she said.

Laura Spoya said that she rejected the offer to host ‘Al Sexto Día’ several times before Yahaira Plasencia was called. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

The Superior Court of Justice ordered that Miracles Paz Soldan obtain joint custody of your daughter. For this reason, she will now be able to share the upbringing of her youngest with Elio Casareto, manager of several soccer players.

“As soon as they notified us, I told him, but he told me to go calmly. ‘Miracles, on Saturday I drop her off at 9 am and on Sunday I pick her up at 6 pm.’ I reply, ‘I think it’s fine that you bring Gia on Saturday and she stays until Sunday, but anyway I need you to confirm where I’m picking up my daughter from on Monday, July 1.’ It appears in the sentence that I must pick her up at her father’s house.’ And he answers me ‘let’s go in order Milagros, don’t despair and act calmly, everything in due time, good afternoon,'” explained Paz Soldán.

They grant shared ownership to Milagros Paz Soldán, former partner of the soccer players’ manager, so she will now be able to see her daughter. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

Magaly Medina She criticized some people on social media for claiming that she has been treated medically. This is the case of a woman who calls herself the doctor Fit; her real name is María Elena Leiva and on her account TikTok he implied that he surgically attended to the ‘Magpie‘.

“People have come here who have denounced her for multiple procedures that they have considered to be poorly done. Personally, I would never go there. When I go to see a doctor, I find out who they are, how professional they are, how their other patients were. I would never recommend the fit doctor,” said the journalist.

Magaly Medina refutes the ‘Fit doctor’ and assures that she never saw her. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

What happened this week on ‘Magaly TV La Firme’?

Monday June 24. Magaly showed the hints of Pamela Franco towards Christian Domínguez at one of his concerts. Furthermore, the arrest of Fiorella Cayo for driving while intoxicated and the criticism of the driver because the actress did not apologize for the case. She also showed the television decline that she has been having Marcelo Tinelli after cancellation of his program.

According to the Argentine journalist, Mati Vásquez, the Argentine driver “is a person who does not know where he is standing.” He also criticized Milett Figueroa, since she pointed out that she became known for the relationship she maintains with Tinelli. On the other hand, he follows the dispute between Paco Bazán and Jefferson FarfánOn the other hand, Congressman Diego Bazán, who sent to the friendzone Belen Estevez; while Medina recalled the hardest episode that Carlos Cacho had to live through when he was in prison.

(Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

Tuesday, June 25. Medina began his program showing unpublished images of what was the arrest of Fiorella Cayo and expressed her outrage at the actress’s screams at the authorities. “She is not apologizing, she was intoxicated,” Magaly said. At another time, she also criticized Tula Rodriguez, for charging 30 thousand soles for his participation in the conduction of the Inti Raymi and showing ignorance on the subject.

At another time, Kevin Salas, Estrella Torres’ husband, He came forward to ensure that it is not a maintenance. In addition, the host was with a handbag specialist and showed showbiz characters who use fake or imitation handbags. Magaly also commented on her version of the interview that she had coordinated, a few years ago, with Jefferson Farfan.

(Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

Wednesday June 26. The driver criticized Jazmín Pinedo for comparing the charge she gave him Jefferson Farfan, the one that the footballer made to Edson Dávila, the popular ‘Giselo’. According to Magaly, while Giselo’s was humor, Pinedo’s was with other intentions. She also gave her opinion on the separation between Renato Tapia and his wife, remembering that after learning of the footballer’s infidelity, the relationship between the couple was not the same.

On the other hand, Medina questioned the bad attitude that Paolo Guerrero had towards a sports journalist from Latina, supposedly because he criticized him. Also the statements of Dayanitaafter the ex-wife of his partner came out to denounce that he does not fulfill his children’s obligations and that he only gives her 160 soles a week. He also responded to Tilsa Lozano After the model told of her encounter with the popular ‘Urraca’ on a plane, Medina pointed out that she never approaches anyone to say hello and that she considers herself spoiled, since she doesn’t even say hello to her reporters. In addition, Paco Bazan and Erick Delgado They arrived on the set to be interviewed by Magaly, who ruled out interviewing Jefferson Farfán.

Magaly TV La Firme. (ATV screenshot)

Thursday, June 27. Magaly comments on the “novel” they have been putting together Karla Tarazona and Christian Domínguez and that it would be bearing fruit at the marketing level, but that will end when the singer finds another person. On the other hand, Pamela Franco has also been earning quite well for her shows, in addition to planning a tour of Europe.

On the other hand, Medina continued with the theme of Marcelo Tinelli and Milett Figueroa. The driver preferred to take his daughters and his cousin to the Copa América, without including the Peruvian model, which was considered a lack of respect by the driver. Also Ana Paula’s travels through the United States, as well as Pamela López. The degrading comments of Sergio George to Yahaira, as well as the complaint by Erick Sabater’s still wife for physical assault, while he claims to have given her $25,000 for her real estate business.

(Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

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