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New statement from Adrián Lastra after undergoing emergency surgery: “I want to tell you everything”

This past Wednesday, June 26, the actor Adrian Lastra shared with his followers a worrying news: he had to be urgently operated on. However, shortly after, he left them calmer, ensuring that everything had gone as planned: “I went out in luxury, like a bull. Everything was perfect,” he wrote in his Instagram stories.

Now, two days later, he wanted to release a new statement to tell you in more depth everything that has happened to him in just 24 hours: “I wanted to tell you what happened. First of all, thank you for all your messages. On Thursday I had to be rushed to the operating room because I had an appointment with the ENT doctor. And When I opened my mouth, I saw something in my throat. (something I knew I had, but they always told me it was okay) and the doctor He told me: ‘This can’t be there.…I have to take it off you now,” he began by explaining.

Adrian Lastra, in ‘The Challenge’

Antenna Capture 3

And he went on to explain: “The next day, operating room. Sedated and asleep like a monkey and without the polyp in his throat. Now to wait for the results of what the polyp was like…”, he commented.

New statement from Adrián Lastra after undergoing emergency surgery: “I want to tell you everything”


However, he wanted to insist again that everything has ended in a scare that he hopes is not of major importance: “But as I said yesterday, everything is fine. Let no one be alarmed. For now, be calm vocally, don’t scream and that’s it,” he concludes his extensive statement.

Now, as he himself has explained, it remains to be seen whether the polyp was good or bad and, for sure, he will continue to update his status through his social networks as he has been doing.

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