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The security deployment of Luis Miguel and Paloma Cuevas upon their arrival in Córdoba so as not to be captured by the cameras

The day has arrived that Luis Miguel’s Spanish fans have been anxiously awaiting for months. The ‘sun king’ tour of our country begins! The first stop on his tour, which includes cities such as Madrid, Seville, Marbella, Pamplona, ​​Murcia, Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Roquetas de Mar, is Córdoba, the homeland of his partner, Paloma Cuevas. A very special wink for the designer, who, as she could not be otherwise, will be present tonight at the Los Califas bullring to see the Mexican’s concert on his return to Spain 6 years after his last performance. . The last week has not been easy for Enrique Ponce’s ex. A few days ago his parents were admitted to a hospital in the capital for different conditions. Victoriano Valencia, 93 years old, suffering from pneumonia, and his wife, Paloma Díaz, from Coronavirus. Fortunately, and after showing new signs of their strength, both were discharged last Monday afternoon and returned home to continue their recovery. Attentive at all times to her parents, Paloma, who has barely been separated from them in recent days. With the situation under control, and her parents completely recovered, the socialite and Luis Miguel headed to Córdoba this Thursday on the artist’s private plane, to finalize the details of the start of their tour 24 hours before the big moment. Far from starring in a beautiful and affectionate image of both of them together, the couple, who has just celebrated two years of discreet relationship, avoided the cameras at all costs upon their arrival at the airport in the Andalusian city. Surrounded by a great display of security and several black cars and vans with tinted windows, Luis Miguel and Paloma managed to avoid the press and get off the plane without being seen, leaving us wanting once again to see them finally enjoying their happiness.

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